Chapter 8: The Second Part of the Chunin Exams Part 3

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I guess I was looking behind me too long because Orochimaru took the chance and his snake knocked into me sending me flying through the air, but I caught myself.

" I knew it. It has finally happened. His Uchiha blood has come to a boil. I think I'll play with him a little longer and learn the full extent of his power." The ninja said and I was about to jump in, but Sasuke stopped me.

" Make sure Naruto is alright." He said and I nodded. Sasuke put a kunai in his mouth and charged. I jumped up to Naruto, took the kunai out of his jacket that was holding him up, and caught him jumping to a branch. I sat him down and started to heal him. Silver chakra poured over him catching Orochimaru's attention for a minute. He turned back to Sasuke, but not before licking his lips with his long, disgusting tongue. 

Sasuke jumped in the air and was upside down. Sasuke threw kunai almost too fast for the human eye, but he easily dodged them. He landed on a tree and kicked off towards the ninja. Sasuke threw kicks and punches, but he dodged them. Sasuke jumped over him as he threw a kick, but missed Sasuke. He landed and did a back flip. They charged at each other kicking, punching, and jumping around. I finished with Naruto, but he won't wake up for a little bit. I undone my chakra mode and jumped over to Sakura feeling kind of week. It's probably because I'm not used to using that form. Without forming hand signs Sasuke blew flames from his mouth. He's stronger than he looks. Sasuke took him by surprise and they fell to the ground. It was a mud clone! Kunai came flying at Sasuke. Orochimaru was starting to land hits on Sasuke now, but I couldn't get back in that form to help and how I am at the moment wouldn't be much help.

" What a disappointment you turned out to be. Your ancestors weep. The Uchiha clan should think me for killing you." I jumped in and started throwing punches and kicks which he dodged them all.

* In Ayame's subconscious *

" Lets go into tailed beast form." Katsumi said.

" We can't or everyone will see, and no one knows about there being a Ten Tails." I said looking up at her. 

" Yea, but your facing a legendary sannin!" She exclaimed.

" Today is not the day we'll use that mode. We haven't even been in that mode before."

" Fine." She grumbled.

* Back to the fighting * 

He kicked me into a tree, but I couldn't get up again. He tried biting me again, but still didn't succeed thanks to Katsumi. He walked back over to Sasuke and looked down at him. Bombs on the back of Orochimaru went off and Sasuke jumped up throwing shuriken with metal strings attached to them at him. They wrapped around him and pinned him to a tree. Sasuke did hand signs for a fire style move onto the strings. It went up the strings and he yelled in pain. Sasuke started to breathe heavily.

" Sasuke! You did it!" Sakura yelled running down to him. He broke the strings and I felt like I was about to pass out. He did a hand sign causing them to freeze.

" Such mastery at the Sharingan at a young age." He said his voice changing back to his original, " You're a true Uchiha after all. You are definitely his brother. If anything your eyes are keener than Itachi's." Orochimaru said and I froze in fear. I realized it wasn't the time to be freezing up.

" Lets try this mode again." I said to Katsumi in my subconscious. She nodded and I went back into chakra form. I stood in front of Sasuke and Sakura protectively.

" Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I yelled bringing out forty to fifty shadow clones.

" It's truly amazing you are still able to move cause for a minute it looked like you were about to pass out. You are truly remarkable." Orochimaru said watching me. My clones and I did hand signs for a wind style jutsu.

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