Chapter 21: Taking out Raiga!

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I had a guy on my back and he was passed out. We found three guys in a river so we picked them up and we're taking them to get some medical attention. I was going to carry two of them, but Naruto refused and only allowed me to carry one. We took them to Grandma Tsunade. After they told us their story, Naruto, me, and another team are going on a mission. She called us into the office along with TenTen, Lee, and Neji. She explained to us what the mission was and it had to do with the three guys we found.

" Then why am I here? It sounds like a chimp could do this mission." Naruto said and made Tsunade mad.

" Who the heck do you think you are?" She started to yell at him. All of the guys's eyes were wide. " Neji Hyuga you're team leader!"

" Hey! I'm the only Chunin on this team so why aren't I the team leader?" I questioned. 

" You are to help Neji be the team leader and since you're as good as Shikamaru on coming up with plans than you will do that." She said and I nodded not wanting to get on her bad side this morning. She tossed Naruto back and Neji caught him. Naruto left mumbling something and Lee went after him. As soon as they left she couldn't contain her anger anymore. She threw her chair out the window and I backed out of the room.

* Time skip *

Neji explained what we were going to do as we began our mission. We waited for Naruto to get here.

" He takes forever!" I exclaimed just as he started to jump down from the gate. 

" Lets hit the road everybody!" Naruto yelled.

" That's not your call." Neji said as Naruto turned back around.

" Uh... Which way is it?" He questioned and I sweat dropped and face palmed.

The three men showed us the way as took small breaks in between our walk. During one break Naruto decided to stand on rocks that were piled up. I rolled my eyes when Lee got up. We continued on after one of the men got mad. When we got farther and farther away from the village we were close to a place.

" I was right! It's just up ahead!" I jumped when Lee shouted. Lee took off running and called out someone's name as he ran up to an old granny and picked her up, spinning her around. We all sat down and listened as they told us the story about how the curry saved Lee's life. She served us curry that looked black. We watched Lee carefully as he picked up his spoon and went to take his first bite. His face turned red. " Delicious!!!" He started chowing down. We all took a bite of it. I watched as everyone's faces turned red.

" This isn't really spicy." I commented taking another bite. I watched as TenTen took a drink of water as they all talked about a guy that went to the Kurosuki family.

" Ayame and I will come up with a strategy and then we will make our move." Neji said and I pushed my plate away. 

We started planning when it stared to become dark. I heard footsteps running towards the room.

" R-R-Rokusuke, he's gone!" One of them yelled after they slammed open the door. My eyes widened along with the others.

" Too late trying to map out a strategy at this point guys, we better get going." Naruto said standing up and I nodded.

" I'll try and come up with a strategy on the way." I said as we took off. The sun began to rise as we reached the village. We dropped down behind boulders. We watched as an old man fell and it made my blood boil. Lee seen how mad we were and it took off. I watched as he knocked all four guys out. We all jumped down.

" Are you crazy? You've got to do to me what you did to them! Hit me, knock me to the ground!" The man pleaded. " If you won't I'll do it myself." He raised his hands to punch himself and I grabbed both of his hands before he could.

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