Chapter 11: Preliminaries... Jiraiya is back!

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Third Person's P.O.V.

" He's after Sasuke right?" Lord Hokage asked Anko. Anko looked up with wide eyes.

" That's not all he's after..." She said trailing off.

" Who else?" The Hokage asked.

" Ayame Akako also known as Ayame Namikaze and is apparently a Jinchuriki." Anko answered. They got a call on the tv saying that they had to do preliminaries.

" For now we'll go as planned." Lord Hokage said.

Ayame's P.O.V.

We were all gathered around in a training place and we are standing in front of the hokage. I looked around at everyone that passed. I noticed that the fourth ninja from the sound village wasn't there. What if he wasn't even in it to begin with? I asked myself my eyes widening.

" First of all, congratulations on finishing the second exam!" I seen Uncle Gai had a fiery expression off of something Uncle Kakashi said. I seen Neji look at Sasuke and then at me, our eyes connected. I instantly looked away. I seen all of the rookies have passed. I looked around at all of the Jonin looking at us, but the hidden sound one caught my eye. He kind of looks like- I cut off my thoughts as my eyes widened and I backed up a bit bumping into Sakura.

" Ayame, what's wrong?" Sakura asked worriedly. I shook my head as he caught me staring at him and sent me a sickening evil smile.

" I don't have a very good feeling about this..." Sasuke said grabbing onto his shoulder.

" I agree with you on that one, Sasuke." I whispered.

" Okay, now pay attention! Lord Hokage is going to explain the third exam to you! You better listen carefully maggots!" Anko said through the mic, " Lord Hokage they're all yours." I zoned out until I heard the Hokage ask a question.

" Why do you think we hold these exams in conjunction with our allies?" He asked. 

" To represent the battle between the allied nations." I blurted out without even thinking. The Hokage looked at me.

" Correct, now if we look at our history...." I zoned out until it was time for us to begin. Hayate kept coughing and I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed a cough drop and walked up to him.

" Take this damn cough drop!" I exclaimed putting it in his hand and walking back to my spot. Everyone started to freak out as he explained the preliminary. Sakura kept trying to get Sasuke to back out and I just stood there. Sakura started crying and kept trying to talk him out of it.

" Shut up, Sakura!" I shouted and everyone looked at us, " Let him fight. If it were me I would know how he felt. Don't try and make him back out when he's gotten this far!" I exclaimed. Right before Kabuto backed out I heard one of his men say Orochimaru's orders. My eyes widened as Kabuto smirked. I glared as he left. It was dead silent until Hayate coughed again.

" For fuck's sake! Take the damned cough drop moth-" I was cut off by Sakura and Naruto covering my mouth. Finally we were starting the preliminaries. I got up on the balconies and watched as Sasuke's match played out. Since there's an uneven amount of people, one person has to fight twice. If that person loses the first time and wins the second they get to continue and if they win the first one and lose the second one they still get to continue. I waited as Sasuke won his battle along with Naruto. Sakura had a draw. Lee ended up fighting Gaara and was pummeled. Right when Gaara was about to finish him off Gai intervened. After a couple of matches it was my turn. I have to fight Gaara. My eyes widened, but I jumped off of the balcony and landed gracefully. I waited til Hayate said go and got into a fighting stance. His sand went after my feet and I jumped doing shadow clone jutsu. Seven clones appeared, and I used them to get away from the sand. I threw a kunai with my jutsu formula on it at Gaara. His sand blocked it, but it was stuck into the sand. I smirked and transported to it. His eyes widened as I landed a kick under his chin. I felt guilty afterwards. His sand pushed me back. It started to cover me and there was no way I could get out. It started covering my face and a look of guilt crossed his face as the sand enveloped me. He's gonna try and kill me! 

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