Chapter 22: Sea Monsters!

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After I finished training with Tsunade I sat in a tree not knowing what to do today. I wanna go on a mission! It's so boring staying in the village. I let out a sigh. Tsunade called Choji, Ino, and me into her office.

" I'm giving you all a mission." She said and I perked up.

" Why isn't Shikamaru here?" Choji questioned confused. Yea, why isn't he here? This is his team not mine, I thought to myself.

" Shikamaru is busy doing something. Anyways, your mission is to go catch a thief." She explained where we had to go. " Ayame will be team leader." Wait what? I've never been the leader. I let out a sigh as we took off. We reached our destination by sun down. We decided to camp out and go look in the morning. " Wood Style: Four-Pillar House Jutsu!" I said doing the hand signs and putting my hands against the ground. A wood house formed and I stood up. Choji and Ino looked at it in amazement. " Were you expecting us to sleep on the ground?"

" Kind of." Ino said in awe. I smirked and walked inside. I went into a room and laid down. I heard Ino and Choji go into rooms of their own and I drifted off into sleep. I woke up the next morning and met up with Choji and Ino outside. I summoned shadow clones and made them use the Rasengan to get rid of the house. We then took off into the village. We went to a couple of gang place, but none of them would talk. We started to head out of the village to wait out until the next day, but we were surrounded.

" What the-" I questioned looking around.

" What's going on?" Ino questioned as they tried to throw chains at us. I realized it was the gangs.

" Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I exclaimed doing the hand sign. Clones of me appeared all around us. I seen a couple of the gang members do hand signs.

" Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He yelled breathing fire at most of my clones. I glared at him. It's pathetic what some ninja will do! I did hand signs.

" Expansion Jutsu!" I heard Choji yell before I could do my jutsu. I let out a sigh as he took down a fourth of the enemy. Ino did her mind destruction jutsu. I decided to stick with Taijutsu. I charged at them and easily took them out. All that was left were a couple of the men and I then realized the thief we were looking for was the leader. I realized that the last ones remaining were ninja. Ino and Choji took on the last four that were left, leaving the leader to me. We got into a Taijutsu battle. Finally, I got the upper hand and I formed the Rasengan. I was about to hit him with it when one of his goons spoke up.

" If you hit him with that, your friends will go bye bye." One of the guys said and I turned to look at them to see they had Choji and Ino with kunais at their necks. How?

" How did you-" I was cut off as I was punched in the face and thrown back The Rasengan dispersed. 

" Now, if you don't listen to everything we say we'll kill your friends." The leader said and I smirked an idea coming into my head. I looked at Ino and Choji and Choji knew right away what I was going to do.

" Go ahead. My actual team is still at the village. Here, I'll even give you my kunai to kill those two with." I said handing him two of my marked kunai. I heard Ino gasp.

" You little traitor!" She yelled at me and I faked a smirked. The leader handed his goons the kunai and the switched them and held my kunai at Choji and Ino's necks. 

" Peace!" I yelled transporting to my kunai at Ino's neck and knocking the guy out and grabbing Ino in a quick flash. I was behind the one holding Choji and I knocked him out and pushed Choji forward away from the guy.

" What the?" Ino questioned confused.

" Did you really think I was gonna let these low lives kill you? I gave them my kunai with my jutsu formula so I could use my dad's teleportation jutsu." I explained and Choji grinned. " You were the only one that didn't know." I let out a laugh as I teleported in front of the leader. I slipped a jutsu formula onto him when I handed him the kunai.

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