Chapter 17: Learning the Rasengan!

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I started to pour chakra into the balloon making the water move in a circular motion. The balloon just slightly moved around as the water swirled. Jiraiya sat down under the tree we were by and grabbed out sake. I rolled my eyes and zoned them out. I concentrated on it, but it stayed swirling in a ball. 

By the time it was almost sunset I was panting for breath alongside Naruto while Pervy Sage was asleep under the tree. Naruto got irritated and yelled waking Jiraiya up.

" Get the water in the balloon spinning again." Jiraiya said and I did as told to. I listened as he explained. I laughed when he called Naruto a slow learner.

" If it took my dad three years then me being his daughter, I will surpass him and I will master it in a week." I said. Jiraiya headed back to town, but Naruto and me decided to stay and practice.

* Time skip *

We went out the next morning with the water balloons to practice more. I tried and tried and tried, but it wasn't working. I huffed and sat down in frustration.

Three days have passed and all I can get the balloon to do is expand. I woke up and Naruto drug me out of bed to go eat. I decided to try a different way on making the balloon burst. I walked outside to test my theory. I rotated it in many different ways and it soon busted. I smiled in victory and went in to find Naruto. I found him and walked with him to find Pervy Sage.

" I busted the balloon." I excitedly said.

" Same here!" He said with just as much enthusiasm. We reached the room and Naruto told Pervy Sage to get up. 

" Good, since your here will you get me some water?" Pervy Sage groggily asked. Naruto and I looked at each other and smirked. We grabbed a water balloon and busted both of our over his face. Naruto used two hands while I used one.

" So, that's the first phase of training," Naruto started as I finished.

" What's next?" 

When Pervy Sage got up he asked for a demonstration. First from Naruto and then from me. He fell asleep on Naruto's and I kicked him awake.

" Ow what was that for?" Jiraiya questioned.

" Number one, for falling asleep when we're trying to show you something. Number two, because you stayed out late doing thing with girls!" I exclaimed. I showed him how I did it and then we went to eat. Naruto explained how he figured it out. 

We went to find out what the second step was. He tossed us both a white rubber ball. I looked at it and sighed.

" You're kidding me right?" Naruto questioned annoyed.

" Lets see if you can pop this one." Pervy Sage said grabbing his own out. It turned bumpy quickly and popped. I was shocked at how fast that was. I concentrated my chakra to go many different ways. After three failed attempts mine finally popped. Jiraiya stared at me amazed. 

" How'd you do that so fast?!" Naruto asked amazed. I shrugged.

" I don't know." I told him truthfully.

" That was amazing." Jiraiya said bewildered. " I'm gonna go do my research." I rolled my eyes as he left. 

" I'm gonna go into town. I'll come back soon and see how it's coming along, okay?" I asked Naruto and he nodded.

" Be careful Ayame!" He shouted as I took off.

" I will be!" I shouted back. I walked around town and then decided to go to the place Naruto and me went after we ate the first day we were here. I stared into the sky. 

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