Chapter 18: The Fifth Hokage's arrival and Sasuke's Retrieval!

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I felt a touch on my chest as our Rasengans hit Kabuto. Kabuto flew back into a rock leaving a trail in the ground. Naruto and I were heavily breathing. My eyes slightly widened when I seen Kabuto sill breathing. Just then Naruto and I spit up blood. He hit us with medical Ninjutsu, that's why I felt a touch on my chest. My vision began to blur and I fell over just as Naruto did. Katsumi activated my chakra mode to try and heal me. I looked up and seen Tsunade looking at us panicked and worried.

" And you, how can you be standing after that?" I heard her ask Kabuto.

" I focused my chakra at the point of impact, before they's even hit me I started healing myself. You see now why Orochimaru values me so highly. No matter how great the injury, I'm able to repair and re-energize any cells. Naruto and Ayame on the other hand don't have that gift. They look finished. I moved my hand.

" The muscles surrounding his heart have been torn to shreds. Wait, that means that happened to you too!" She exclaimed looking at me trying to heal Naruto.

" Heal him first. Katsumi will be able to keep me alive. I may not be able to use the Ten Tails power good enough, but she can easily help me." I spluttered and coughed as I talked.

" I cut them off from being able to get any help from the demons inside of them. Wait, how is that possible? She couldn't have possibly been able to tap into the demons powers!" I heard him exclaim.

" You don't know which one I am." I said loud enough for him to hear me. " I'm not any of the Nine tailed beasts, I'm the Ten Tails. She's more powerful then all of them, but me being so young it's hard for me to learn and control her power. She has to help me out a lot, but she has my back." I coughed.

" There's no such thing!" Kabuto yelled.

" Don't be so sure." I said and he dropped the subject about the Ten Tails.

" He's finished though, he's dead." Kabuto said and I froze. 

" Oh, shut up!" Tsunade yelled. " You'll be dead soon, I'll see to that." I grabbed Naruto's hand and let Katsumi help heal both of us. " No, no, no!" I realized Naruto stopped breathing and my eyes widened.

" Naruto." I whispered looking over at him. I seen tears falling from Tsunade's face. I forced Katsumi to use her healing powers more on Naruto than on me. My eyes widened even more when his hand went to her necklace and Katsumi went back to healing me more.

" Hey, don't forget our bet. Told ya, I'd win." Naruto said grinning making me grin.

" Yea, we told you we would win." I said. Tsunade grabbed both of our hands.

" To be Hokage, that's still your dream Naruto. To become a great ninja and surpass all of the Hokage before, that's still your dream Ayame, isn't it?" She questioned us. " Just one more time. For the last time I want those words to be true." I looked over and seen Orochimaru heading straight for us. He came straight at us with a sword coming out of his mouth. Katsumi wasn't going to let that happen and neither was Tsunade. She jumped in front of us and Katsumi put a barrier up, but the blade got Tsunade. It hit her in the chest and my eyes widened.

" Granny Tsunade!" I exclaimed in horror and then winced in pain. I watched and listened as Orochimaru spoke.

" I wasn't going to kill Ayame, just the boy." I heard him say and I let out a growl.

" By saving them I'm saving my home, The Village Hidden in the Leaves." My eyes widened and I let a smile spread onto my face.

" You really think you're protecting the village?" Orochimaru questioned.

" You see, these two. These lowly little Genin have been chosen by fate to become great ninja. Naruto has been chosen to become Hokage and Ayame has been chosen to be a great ninja that surpasses all the Hokage someday." Tsunade said and Orochimaru laughed.

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