Act Two, Scene Three

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Seoras smiled at Emmy’s words.  It made him feel proud that he did not choose unwisely.  She was definitely his woman!

“Seoras!”  Margaret pleaded.  “I AM YOUR MOTHER!”  

Seoras’s whole body froze at her words.  His “mother” abandoned him when he was just a baby.  Leaving him behind and divorcing his father. The only reason why he tolerates her is because she gave birth to him and his Father’s last will was for him to watch over her.  

“You remind me every chance you have, that you are.”  Seoras said borely. “But what right do you have to choose my wife?  You lost that opportunity a long time ago.”

“How dare you say I have no rights as your Mother!”  Margaret started crying. “I gave birth to you!”

“And that’s the only reason why you’re still breathing.”  Seoras told her truthfully.

“My son!”  Margaret cried louder.  “How could you be so cruel?”  

Seoras looked at Margaret and turned back to his dinner.  When he picked up his fork to keep eating everyone knew he was finished speaking with Margaret.  

“Lady Emmy!”  Lady Kaylee pleaded next.  “Please release us!”

“Yes! Please!”  Lady Posy joined in.  “If we offended you in any way, please find it in your heart to forgive us!  We promise, at first light, we will depart the castle and never come back.”

“Yes.  Yes!” Lady Jane agreed.  “Please! Have mercy!”

Emmy looked at the three pitiful ladies and felt bad.  They came here thinking to win Seoras’s heart, hoping to become the next Lady Tomas.  Hoping to bring some honor to their family and bridge a connection between the noble houses, but instead, they were now being punished by association.  

“Promise to never step one step inside this castle again and never have any designs to capture my husband’s interest in the future.”  Emmy said as she stared at the three traumatized ladies.

They all agreed immediately to her request.  

“Let them go.”  Emmy asked Seoras.  “They are not worth it.”

“If that is what my Lady Wife wants.  That is what my Lady Wife will get.” Seoras said as he let go of them.  

The wooden vines unleashed them and they quickly fell to the ground.  Their maids quickly stepped forward to help their Lady up and left the hall, without even bowing to Seoras and without looking back.

“Seoras!”  Margaret pleaded again.  This time it was softer and more gentle.  As if asking nicely would soften Seoras’s heart.  

Seoras placed his wine cup down, no longer wanting to drink and stood up.  With one word he sealed Margaret’s fate for the rest of the night.



That night was the first night of Emmy’s training.  She had to learn from the basics, so she meditated for two hours before training before bed.  After her third lap around the castle along with the new trainees, she could feel her legs wobble in weakness.   Her breath was short and her body ached as she was forced to take up a wooden sword and train. They followed the instructor as they followed his moves and learned fourteen basic swings.  After the fourteen basic swings they were made to repeat it over and over again until the moon was high in the middle of the sky and her arms shook as well.

Emmy lost count after the 50th time they repeated the swings.  But she endured, because although she could feel herself lose strength in her limbs with every movement, she knew she was gaining her independence and confidence.  Every sacrifice in the end would be worth it.

By the time she woke up the next day, it was late morning and her whole body ached.  But she still got up and got ready to train. Her training would last the whole day. Little did she know that the three young Ladies kept their words and left the castle at first light.  They didn’t even ask about Lady Margaret’s well being. It was her fault the three of them were punished.

With her training in motion, Emmy did not pay attention to the outside matters.  If she did, she would have learned that the three young ladies have created several rumors about her to the rest of Lirie.  

It is said that Master Seoras met a witch in the woods and bewitched him.  The witch was an old woman who sacrificed babies to keep her young. The witch cast a spell over Master Seoras and married her.  Master Seoras is under the evil witch’s control and no one cannot get to him or convince him of anything different. It was only by the three ladies good luck that they escaped Ceco.  It was said that Master Seoras fell in love and wanted to marry Lady Kaylee, however the witch, Emmy, was jealous and almost killed Lady Kaylee.

Within a month, more and more rumors spread far and wide about Emmy.  With in a year, Emmy’s name became infamous. She was known as a witch and a temptress.  Within another year, Emmy was known as a jealous, shameless, and greedy shrew. Within another two years, she was known as a malicious star.  The reason for the drought, the reason for floods, the reason for infectious sickness that spread throughout Lirie.

But the one place that was free from all the natural disasters and illnesses was Ceco.  Emmy’s name spread far and wide without even been seen by any of them. It was easier for them to blame her then find the truth in the smallest issue to the biggest disaster.  It was easier to make an unknown girl suffer, than to take responsibility for their actions.

Emmy’s name became an ill omen.  Anyone who once had the name or a name close to it was quickly changed.  No one wanted to be associated with it. No one wanted to bring trouble on to themselves or their families.

As the whole world made Emmy their villian,  Seoras spent the years teaching her and guiding her in her powers.  Building up her physical and mental powers as well as her magic powers.  Slowly but surely she became more confident and more secure in her own abilities.  She became more black bellied thanks to Seoras’s guidance.

Four years, she was now 22 years old.  No longer is she the naive young granddaughter of General Light.  No longer is she the victim of Miss Heather’s schemes. No longer is she the traumatized and caged courtesan for the Cherry Blossom House.  She is no longer, a lost runaway, trying to find freedom.

She is now just, Emmy, the Death Rose.

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