The Serpent Moon (4)

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Jay cried out in agony and pain as his beloved brother died right in front of him. Suddenly the clouds cried loudly along with Jay and thunder struck the ground in front of Emmy.

Emmy flipped and dodged every time the lightning hit the ground. Five rounds, Emmy dodged, using the knowledge she learned from the past four years. Where she once stood was a black spot where lightning hit.

Suddenly Jay cried out in pain as two vines came up behind him and whipped his back. It struck him over and over, causing his clothes to rip and blood to flow. The relentless whipping caused him to stop summoning the lightning and thunder. His cries of sorrow, became cries of pain.

Without another word, Emmy attacked Venom Ross. His wizard skills were summoning ancient demons, but to do that, he needed the use of his hands. Without the use of his hands, he couldn't draw the runes he needed to call the demons.

From the ground, a sword suddenly appeared as Emmy ran towards him. Grabbing the sword, Emmy sliced his throat before slicing his arms as the vines forced him to raise his arms to his side. Blood splattered on Emmy, but she did not care. She struck his head again, decapitating him completely. The vine raised Ross's head high above, as if to brag to everyone that it held the head of Venom Ross, the demon summoner. The only person left was Cobra Calvin.

Emmy walked towards Calvin as he cried out for her to stop.

"Stop! Stop right there!" Calvin said as his voice wavered with fear.

"You think Master Seoras would come after you?" Emmy asked him as she too, threw his words back at him. "You'll be long dead and buried, so he won't be able to find you. I'm just doing what I have to do. Don't blame me for this. You forced my hand."

Calvin spat blood of anger out as he listened to her words. They should have never picked this job. They should never have come to Ceco. Emmy had thrown their own words back at them, when they were pushing her into a corner. Listening to them now made him regret taking the job and coming to Ceco.

"You really are a witch!" Calvin said as he worked his Wizard magic. From his sleeves came a hundred poisonous snakes that fell to the ground. He could control them with his beast taming ability, but the moment they hit the camellia flowers, they immediately stopped moving.

"What did you do to my babies!" Calvin shouted as he could only watch as the snakes all stop moving. He could feel all of them die and lose connection with him. His mind broke as he screamed in pain. The connection between beast and master was a lifelong contract. Should one die, the other would feel it's pain and lose the connection. The loss of connection, can drive the other into insanity. With Calvin's mind broken, Emmy opened the ground and buried him along with his beasts.

When Emmy enchanted her flower field, she made sure to infuse poison into the pollen of the flower. Should any unwanted animal enter the flower field, they would die by just smelling the flowers. The poison was only harmful towards animals and could not harm humans. So it was not easy for humans to detect.

Emmy's eyes caught Jay's mutilated body and controlled the vines to wrap around his neck, with one yank, Jay's neck broke and his cries stopped immediately. The clouds disappeared as the sun shined through. Blood had rain over the camellias, marking their beauty with a sinister blemish.

"Stop." Avina cried out as Emmy walked towards her. "Stop!"

"Please!" Kestro begged. "Please let us go."

"You both wanted to come into Ceco so badly, now that you're here, you want to leave?" Emmy said as her bloody hand pushed Avina's blonde hair back from her face. "Don't you still want to speak to your beloved fiance to see if he is bewitched or not? Don't you want to make sure that the people of Ceco are not enchanted by my spells? Didn't you bring The Serpent Moon here to kill me?"

"Please." Avina begged as she tried to move her head back from Emmy's bloody hands. They were cold against her skin, making her skin crawl with fear.

"Ahhh... why would you want to leave when I have welcomed you and your people so warmly?!?" Emmy said as she pulled Avina's hair back, causing her to scream. "Didn't you say that it is a beautiful morning to for you to die?"

Avina's eyes widen as she could only watch as Kestro's body was ripped apart. Blood splattered on to Avina's dress and into her mouth as she screamed.

"Since you're a nobleman's daughter, you get the best treatment." Emmy told her. "The best accommodations will be set up for you. For you are a guest here in Ceco, after all. Take her to the dungeons."

"Stop! You're crazy! You can't do this to me! I'm a nobleman's daughter!" Avina shouted.

"Did you think you could take my Husband away from me?" Emmy said as she order the hidden guards to show themselves with a flick of her hand. From the shadows, four guards appear and grab hold of Avina. The vine breaks off as they drag her to the dungeons screaming. "You have the audacity to come to my home and try to take MY man?"

Avina's screams became lower and lower as the four guards dragged to to her new accommodations. Emmy's victory was suddenly cut short, as the ground beneath her grew hot, then the flowers around her became ash.

"Wildfire Inez." Emmy whispered.

Last chapter for tonight!  Goodnight!  -ptd

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