The Emissary of Igoh (2)

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The hateful, ugly, stupid bitch Emmy was not how Heather remembered her.  The woman sitting next to Lord Tomas was serene, graceful and cold. She was alluring and beautiful, yet no one could touch her or even go near her. Her eyes were clear and cold, which made Heather shiver in fear.  There was something about her that made Heather fear Emmy. Her aura was cold and dark as if she could destroy everyone.

However, to Heather, Emmy was still that weak, dumb, orphaned girl who let her relatives steal from her.  Heather had assumed that Emmy died, that’s why she couldn’t believe Emmy sat by Lord Tomas’s side.

Heather could feel Arashi’s hand tighten around her wrist.  Heather’s mouth immediately closed as she glared at Emmy. The whole time, no one said anything, letting the hall fill with silence.  Heather’s heart beated loudly as she stared hatefully at Emmy. Every inch of Heather’s body wanted to run up to Emmy and slap her. She wanted to kill Emmy and watch as the light go out of her eyes.  

The room suddenly became cold and Heather shiverred.  Suddenly Heather felt a slight wind blow her hair, she then heard a snap and her back felt as if it was on fire.  Heather screamed and she fell forward onto her knees and hands as her back was split open and blood soaked her clothes.  When she fell, Arashi let go of Heather’s wrist and let her fall.

He too, was surprise at the attack.  He didn’t even feel any killing intent, nor the sneak attack.  His eyes quickly looked at Heather’s sorry state then back at Lord Tomas and Emmy.  His eyes stayed on Emmy and noticed that Emmy didn’t even move. Her cold and indifferent face still stayed the same.  Her eyes didn’t waver at all. The Emmy he knew in the past is not the Emmy who sat next to Lord Tomas.

Heather screamed in pain again as her maid helped her up.  It was only then that Minister Robin snapped out of his surprised state and started shouting.

“How dare you attack Lady Heather!”  Minister Robin shouted. His voice echoed within the large room.  “Are you trying to start a war? We came her with good intentions and the first thing you do is insult us, then attack us!”  

“What if we do want to start a war?  What are you going to do about it? I didn't invite you, you came here with your own free will.” Seoras said.  “You are all on my land and I do whatever I want to do on my land.  Those that insult me and mine deserve punishment. No matter who you are in your country, here, you are nothing.  Now that you’re here, what makes you think it’ll be so easy to leave?”

The blood in Minister Robin’s face completely drained.  It became white and sweaty. He had forgotten that his position in Igoh was high, however in Lire and Ceco, he was just a low Emissary.  He had forgotten that in Lire, there was magic. And in Lire, only the strong live. He had forgotten that the man sitting haughty before him is The Peerless Slayer.  The strongest Mage in all of Lire. And the woman who sat next to him was considered a powerful witch.

His legs shook with fear and they buckled from underneath him.  Robin fell to his but as his fear overcame him. His body shivered weakly as if he caught a fever.  He gripped his left chest as his heart beated faster and faster. He came to Ceco with the intentions to trade with them, and the moment they arrived, he had forgotten his mission and acted above his station.

Not only did that dumb Lady Heather yell at Lady Tomas, but he completely forgotten his mission and yelled at Lord Tomas.  If Ceco were to declare war on Igoh, that would mean all of Lire would also declare war on Igoh. Igoh would be completely defeated.  They did not have a single mage living in Igoh.

Minister Robin quickly realized his mistake and kowtowed repeatedly towards Seoras.  His forehead hit the ground with a loud bang and blood flowed freely down his forehead.  

“Please forgive me, I have spoken out of turn.”  Minister Robin pleaded. “We came here with good intentions and do not wish to start a war with Ceco or Lire.  We came here with the intentions of working hand in hand and hope to reach an agreement with trade between Igoh and Ceco.”  

No one spoke for a long time and the air became even more cold and tense.  It was as if a hugh mountain landed on their shoulders and kept them immobile.  

Seoras turned to look at Emmy.  His eyes softened and looked at her lovingly.  

“My love, what do you think?”  

Emmy looked back at Seoras and her eyes soften as well.  She smiled sweetly at him before she spoke.

“I think it best to hear what they have to offer before we make any decisions.”  

Minister Robin’s eyes opened widely and kowtowed once again.

“Thank you Lady Tomas for your magnanimous words. You---”  

“Besides.”  Emmy said cutting Minister Robin’s sentence. “It’ll not be too late to kill them if we don’t like what we hear.”

Minister Robin choked on his words after hearing Lady Tomas’s words.  His forehead sweat even more as he worried that they’ll not make it out of Ceco.  Both Lord and Lady Tomas were shameless, over powerful, and willful people.  He could not argue with them. 

“We’ll do as my beloved says.”  Seoras said as his wooden block expression came back when he looked at Prince Cael.  “We have prepared rooms for everyone. Your journey was long and you all must be tired.  These servants will take you to your room.”

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