Leevi (2)

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Emmy sat still in her garden and went back to cultivating her magic.  After another hour, soft footsteps left her garden and Emmy smiled. Emmy knew it was Leevi who was hiding in the garden spying on her.  Leevi had been in the garden when Emmy arrived and stayed until she was sure that Emmy would no longer have any visitors.

With the rose bushes that she planted around the city, she knew Leevi was with Heather the moment they entered the city.  She knew Leevi’s every movement inside the castle as well. The potted plants and flowers all inside of the castle was controlled by Emmy.   

Leevi quietly made her way towards Heather’s room and entered it.  Inside, Heather’s clothes and belongings were in disarray on the ground.  

“That bitch!  How dare she make me lose face in front of everyone!  How dare she! Why isn’t she still in Cherry Blossom House?  How did she get here? Why is she Lady Tomas!” Heather screamed looking around the room to vent her anger on.  And she screams again as she sees Leevi. “Come here and kneel!”

Leevi shook in fear because she knew what was going to happen next.  Leevi made her way towards Heather and knelt in front of Heather. The moment she knelt, Leevi closed her eyes and grit her teeth.  

Slap!  Heather’s hand made contact with Leevi’s cheek.  Slap! Slap! Slap! The room echoed over and over.  After ten slaps, Heather was finally satisfied with venting her anger.  

“Seeing you reminds me that you worked for that bitch since she was a baby.  Why didn’t you suffocate her when she couldn’t defend herself? Why didn’t you drown her! Why is she always in my way!  You! You’re still serving her aren’t you! You’re still on her side!” Heather shouted at Leevi.

Leevi kowtowed three times, each time more blood stained the floor.  

“My only master is you Lady Heather!  I am only loyal towards you! You must believe me!  I only serve you!” Leevi pleaded. Her face started hurting, but she didn’t let it distract her.  If Heather didn’t believe her, Leevi knew that Heather would get rid of her. “Please believe me!”

“Believe you!  When a dog betrays it’s master and finds another master, will that dog be loyal to the new master or betray the new master to find another?” Heather shouted as she slapped Leevi again.  Just seeing Leevi’s face made her mad.  "What use is a dog when it is no longer loyal to it's master!"

“Please believe me!  I only serve you! I’m only loyal towards you!”  Leevi pleaded. “I can prove it!”

“Prove it?  Then say it!”  

“Tonight I witnessed Emmy meeting with two men.  Both of them confessed their love for her and willingness to take her from Lord Seoras!”  Leevi quickly cried out.

“Who!”  Heather curled her fist tighter.

“Prince Cael and Duke Arashi!”  Leevi told Heather.

“Those bastards!  Do they have mud in their eyes to not see how dirty and filthy Emmy is!  Why to they confess their love to her and not even take a look at me!” Heather yelled.  “What kind of enchantment does Emmy have to cause these men to love her! Why her! Why can’t they love me?  Why can’t they cherish me? Why can’t they protect me? Why? Why? Why?”

Nanny Fai went to hug the crying Heather as she fell to the ground in a fit of anger and frustration.  

“Why can’t they love me?  Why do they love Emmy?” Heather cried into Nanny Fai’s bosom.  

“Shhhh, my darling girl.  They all do not know how precious my pearl is. They all are blind and do not see how beautiful you are.  That orphan must have enchanted them with a witch’s spell to make them love her.” Nanny Fai comforted Heather.

“Nanny, nanny, nanny!  I feel bad. Make me feel good.”  Heather pleaded as she cried harder.

“Of course my darling.  Nanny will make you feel good.”

Nanny Fai quickly unbuttoned her dress and slipped off her top.  She pulled out her breast out from her undergarment and directed her nipple to Heather’s open mouth.  Heather closes her mouth over Nanny Fai’s nipple and begins to suck.

Leevi froze in surprise. Heather was already an adult, well past the age of marriage, and yet she is still being breastfed by her Nanny?  

When Leevi came into Heather’s service, she was never a maid by Heather’s side.  Her duties was to take care of Heather’s courtyard and run errands for Heather. She knew Heather was a bully and a tyrant, hitting anyone and everyone when she was mad.  Leevi was never exposed to Heather and Nanny Fai’s dark and twisted relationship.

Leevi averted her eyes to look to the ground in front of her.  She didn’t want to bring attention towards her and let them see Leevi’s disgusted face when she looks at their perverted actions.  

From the corner of Leevi’s eyes, she could see Nanny Fai move Heather’s dress up to Heather’s crotch and reach in between Heather’s legs.  Within moments, Heather was moaning while sucking Nanny Fai’s nipple. Leevi closed her eyes tightly, praying that they will finish soon. If she could, she wanted to melt into the floorboard and never reappear in front of anyone.

***** A/N:   Not the kind of yuri you were expecting, huh!?!  If I have time, I'll post another chapter up later today.  Thanks again for your patience, your love and support.  -ptd xoxo

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