Lord Edie

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Within a week, Lord Edie of Maru, General Alex of Maru, Lady Margaret, and two of Lady Margaret’s matchmaking chosen brides for Seoras arrived.  The first, was Lord Edie’s niece, Lady Hanna. The second was Lady Donna, daughter to General Alex of Maru.

When they arrived, Emmy had a good look at her “love rivals.”  Hanna was tall, blond and delicate. She had a sunny and sweet disposition. Donna, on the other hand, had black hair, a strong and healthy frame.  She was quiet, reserved and her eyes were very calculating. They were complete opposite of each other, however they got along very well.

Lady Margaret, seemed as if she aged quite quickly over the years.  She no longer held the youthful beauty that Emmy remembers she once had when she first met Lady Margaret.  It might have been how Seoras treated her that fateful night where he threatened her and the other perspective brides.  Or it might be because Seoras did not let her off, even though she left Ceco.

He kept an eye on her and with every move she made, he counterattacked with a move to block her path.  If she wanted to catch a old rich widow, so she could maintain her lavish lifestyle. He would warn the old rich widow first.  If the old man didn’t take his word, Seoras would eliminate the old man, just so Lady Margaret would not get her hands on the widow’s money.  

If she wanted to invest in a business.  Seoras would ensure that once she did invest, he would cause several “accidents” to ensure the company would loose not only their clientele, but contracts with other businesses.   

If Lady Margaret to borrow money from the National Lirie Bank, Seoras would ensure that she would not have a line of credit joined to his name.  Her debts were her own and she has several debts to pay back, especially to Seoras.

He made sure, Lady Margaret struggled with every step she took.  She was always on the losing end, which caused her to age quickly since the last time Emmy saw her.   Lady Margaret’s only choice now is to win favors with noble families by being the matchmaker to the noble families daughters to her son.  

Seoras and Emmy received the guests in the large dining hall. The chairs and tables that once occupied the room, where removed as soldiers lined the wall.  Next to Seoras sat Sir Gengrick and Steward Seth. To his left, sat Emmy in an all gold dress that made her look enchanting. Her gold dress contrasted next to his black

The group of people walked into the dining hall in slow steps as the intimidating situation appeared before them.  Which caused Lord Edie and General Alex to feel as if they were walking into a lion’s den. They had only brought 20 soldiers with them, fearing that they would insult Seoras if they brought more.  

When the group stopped in front of Seoras and Emmy, everyone bowed to Seoras except Lord Edie.  They held the same title and position, which etittque did not require Lord Edie to bow.

Seoras made them wait for longer than what etittque required, which caused the guest to feel mistreated and have a grudge against him.  The hall was quiet as General Alex, Lady Margaret, Lady Hanna, and Lady Donna were still bowing. Lord Edie’s fist tighten at Seoras’s disrespect and his lips tighten with his anger, however, his daughter was still in Seoras’s hand.  He could not make a move against Seoras without ensuring his daughter’s safety.

Just when Lady Margaret was about to lose her patience and lecture Seoras, Seoras spoke four words that made everyone there want to spit out blood of frustration.

“What brings you here?”

Instead of telling them to stand, he directly spoke to Lord Edie, directly dismissing everyone else.  General Alex, who safeguards the lands of Maru for over 30 years, was treated like an insect. Lady Margaret, Lady Hanna, and Lady Donna, were treated like air, as if they did not exist.  

“You know why I’m here!”  Lord Edie shouted as he lost his temper.  He could no longer stand by and watch the young Lord Seoras treat everyone so insignificantly.  “Where is my daughter!”

“You’re daughter?”  Seoras said boredly.  “You mean the woman who entered Ceco under false pretenses with hired assassins to kill my wife?  You mean that selfish, spoiled, delusional girl?”

“How dare you!” Lord Eie shouted.  

“How dare me?”  Seoras asked as his eyes lit up with fury.

The whole room suddenly felt colder as a large magical force descended upon them, causing them to feel as if they were buried under a mountain.  Their throats became dry as sweat drip down their body. Fear ran through them as they could only watch as Seth tosses over to them a packet. Inside of the packet was two years worth of evidence of Lady Avina and The Serpent Moon’s messages to each other.  There were receipts of the jewelry, clothes, and valuables she sold to save for the payment of The Serpent Moon. There was even eyewitness testimony from several citizens from across Ceco and Maru, who could identify Lady Avina. With those eyewitnesses, they could track her whereabouts from Maru into Ceco and pinpoint exactly where she met up with The Serpent Moon.  There was also a clear report of what happened the moment Lady Avina entered Ceco. Her every move was documented, from what she said, what she wore, what she ate.

Seoras left no room for Lord Edie to deny and backtrack that it was all a misunderstanding.

“How dare me?’ Seoras repeated.  “How dare your daughter make moves against me and my people.”  

Lord Edie’s knees started shaking as the pressure weighed Bway on him.  He slowly lost his strength as his knees bent and knelt on the cold hard stone.  

“How dare you come here and raise your voice to me, losing your temper in the process.”  Seoras said as he leaned back into his chair. “How dare you demand something from me, when you should be groveling and begging for forgiveness.  How dare you be so presumptuous.”

The whole room became silent for a long time as the magical force weighed the guess down even more, causing them to all kneel and their heads all hang down.  

“Bring her out.”  Seoras ordered as he waved his hand.  From the side of the room the door opened and a soldier stepped inside of the dining hall.  Behind him, he dragged a thin, dirty body by the hair as she struggled.

“You bastard!  Let go of me you bastard!”  Avina shouted as she held on to the hand that held onto her hair.  “I will kill you! I will kill that bitch! I will kill anyone who cause me harm and humiliated me!  I will make sure Seoras find justice for me! I—“

Avina suddenly stopped yelling when she saw her father kneel.   

“Father!”  She shouted as the soldier flung her towards her father.  Her body rolled and stopped right before him. But before she could even sit up and move towards him, she felt the heavy magical force envelope her body completely.  She was stuck on her back as she looked at her father’s wide eyes that shined with fear.

“Father.’  Avina cried out again.  Lord Edie could only watch as his only daughter cried out her injustice.  His heart burned with fire as he stared at his daughter’s dirty face and blood stained dress. His hatred became tenfold. He had never raised a hand against her, how can he let someone else abuse her without getting angry.   

“Father will give you justice.”  Lord Edie promised her.

Avina could only nod her head to agree as tears run down the corners of her eyes.  She suffered so much humiliation and defeat that the hands of the witch. She promised to herself that if she got out of Ceco alive, she will kill Emmy one way or another.  Even if she had to sell her soul, she would do it.

Seoras smirked at Lord Edie’s promise to Avina.  He actually looked forward to the “justice” Lord Edie planned for Seoras

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