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When the sun set and the moon rose, both Drew and Mae have watched powerlessly as their lover was raped in front of them.  Their pleadings were ignored and unanswered. The men and women who came through the doors were their peers. And they were violated by those who they were acquainted with and those who they thought they could call friend.  However in the end, those noblemen and noblewomen were just wolves in sheep clothing. Not a single one of them raised their hand to help Drew or Mae. Instead they celebrated Drew and Mae's misfortune. Causing the noblemen and noblewomen to harass and ridicule Drew and Mae more. When the moon began to set and the sun began to rise again, the two of them were tired, soulless and empty. 

Several maids and servants came inside to unshackle them.  They were then brought to be cleaned up and brought back into the very same room.  Even if they wanted to struggle and run away, they couldn't. They were too weak. Even if they wanted to shout out for help or plead for help.  Their voices were strained from all the shouting from last night and knew that their pleas for help would not be answered.

The two of them were thrown into bed together and the door quickly closed again, leaving Emmy, Drew and Mae alone again.

"Now that you're punishment for using me as the excuse to cover up your affair, thus causing Prince Cael to try to assassinate me, is over.  Here is the punishment for lying to me yesterday." Emmy said as she stood up. "The both of you will serve the Hundred House of Pleasure for 10 days.  If you survive, you're free. If you don't. Well... you don't. If you do happen to survive this ordeal. Know that even the smallest mention of my name on your lips again.  You'll receive my wrath, which will be ten times worse than what you experience here."

Drew opened his mouth to plead to Emmy to let them go.  That they learned their mistake, but nothing came out. His voice was gone from the shouting.  He had no strength to get up to kneel to her. To kowtow for his mistake. He couldn't do anything, but watch as Emmy left them to their nightmare. 

When Emmy left Hundred House of Pleasure, she did not look back.  She wanted to go back to Ceco. Back to her loved ones. Back to Seoras and Gengrick.  But she couldn't. She needed to finish what she started. Her body felt just as cold as her heart.  Apart of her died that night. And she knew there was no turning back.

In the following days and weeks, those that blamed her for their misfortune suddenly fell into more misfortune. Those that accused her for their crops failing to thrive, the next day all of their crops died and the dirt became unusable to grow anything else. 

Those that accused Emmy of stealing their loved ones, were thrown into a brothel and became courtesans.  Those that blamed her for natural disasters, such as floods. The next day, there was a rise of three feet of water in the flood.  For droughts, the land became even more dry. For avalanches, the mountain became a mound.

When she was blamed for the lack of freshly caught fishes at the market.  Those that accused her found their boats smashed into planks of wood the next day.

Suddenly, her name became taboo.  If anyone said anything about Emmy, they would suffer a fate worse than the rumor they put out. Saying her name would cause those around them to turn their backs on the one who started the rumors.

Everyone feared her. Everyone feared what would happen to them and their families if they said her name. Emmy's name became a curse.

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