Beast Master Wizard (1)

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The next few weeks flew by like a breeze. When word got out that a Beast Master Wizard had entered Lire and was causing chaos. If the people didn’t do as he said, he would unleash is Beast onto the town and let it eat anyone who it got its teeth into.

Seoras had gotten word that the Wizard was on his way to Ceco.  

“Let me go.”  Emmy volunteered.  “I can handle him.”  

Both Seoras and Gengrick looked at each other in worry before Emmy threw two books at them.  

“What!  Just because I’m a girl I can’t handle myself?”  Emmy asked.

“Well, you did miss us with those books.”  Gengrick teased her.

Emmy’s face lit up in rage as she quickly bound him in her vines.  

“Oh,  I like it when you tie me up.”  Gengrick said as a sly smirk revealed on his face.  “What are you going to do to me next. Can Seoras watch?”  

As quickly as Gengrick was caught in her vines, she let him go.  Gengrick was incorrigible. It was best to ignore him, but the more you ignore him the more cheeky he became and thought that your silence meant compliance.  

“You!  Wait until I get my hands on you!  You’ll be sorry then!” She said as she pointed at him.  

“I can’t wait for you to get your hands on me.  I’ll even do you a favor and stand still for you to have your way with me!”  Gengrick laughed again as another book flew towards his face.

What he didn’t expect was that Emmy would throw five books at him back to back.  While he avoided the first book, the second, third, fourth and fifth book hit him directly where it was meant to hit.  His face, his stomach, his arm and his knee.

“Serves you right to speak to her that way.”  Seoras said as he smiled at Emmy.

“You!”  Emmy pointed at Seoras.  She was already worked up into a frenzy, any little thing and she was ready to throw a book at him too.  “What do you have to say?”

Seoras smiled at her and held his hands up in surrender.  

“I haven’t said anything yet.”  Seoras said. “You didn’t let me say anything.”

“Oh.”  Emmy said as she placed the book back on to his shelf.  His study was a mess now that she had thrown the books at the two infuriating men.  Emmy cleared her throat as if nothing happened. “Well then, what do you think?”

“Me?”  Seoras said as he looked at Emmy lovinging.  “I’ll let you go, however you’ll have to take ten soldiers with you.  Four Devil’s Squad, two from Red Team, two from Green Team and two from Blue Team.”  

Emmy was about to open her mouth to argue, however with one stern stare from Seoras, she promptly closed her mouth and nodded her head to agree.  

“Good girl.”  Seoras said as he nodded his head.  “Go prepare, Gengrick will chose those who will follow you.”  

“Very well.”  Emmy said as she quickly left.  Once the door closed Gengrick turned to Seoras with a worried look on his face.  

“She’ll be fine.”  Seoras told him. “If we hold her back, she’ll never become stronger.  She needs to know that she is strong without us.”

“I can’t help, but worry about her safety.”  Gengrick said as he leaned into Seoras desk next to Seoras.  

“You don’t have to worry too much.  When I placed the Souls of Amaratu inside of her.  I used my blood to bind them and Emmy together. Wherever she goes, I will know where she is. If she is in trouble, I will immediately know.”  

Gengrick sighed in relief at Seoras’s words.  

“Very well.”  Gengrick said reluctantly.  “I will do as you say.”

“Will you do everything I say?”  Seoras asked.

“Of course, my Lord.”  Gengrick said as he stood up to salute Seoras.  But the moment he stood up, Gengrick felt himself pulled into Seoras embrace.  

“You, teasing our wife has made me quite uncomfortable.  Since our wife isn’t here right now, I suggest you be the one who takes care of it.”  Seoras said as he pushed Gengrick down to his knees and released his penis for Gengrick to “take care of.”  

“As My Lord commands.”  


Emmy quickly got herself ready and made sure to pack lightly.  When she entered the stable 30 minutes later, 10 men dressed in all black with the Tomas crest on their shoulders turned to look at her, they then wore black cloaks, covering the crest.  Gengrick and Seoras was there as well as they both came to her. Seoras hugged her as Gengrick took her small bag and help tie it to her horse.

Emmy wore a forest green traveling cloak, a white shirt with brown pants and brown leather boots.  Her hair was tied back into a ponytail and she wore no jewelry. From Seoras’s neck he took off his necklace with the Tomas crest on it and placed it over Emmy’s head.  

“Should you run into trouble, or should anyone not give you any face.  Show them this crest. They will listen to you as if you are me and should they go against it, then they are going against me.  Death is the only mercy I show to those who go against me.” Seoras told her as he held her tightly.

Understanding his words, Emmy nodded her head and hugged him tighter.  The ten men have already moved out of the stable, leaving the three of them behind.  Gengrick hugged Emmy tightly next before saying a few words of warning before the three of them left the stable together.  The ten men were already on their horses as Emmy got on top of her white horse, Wind.

The eleven of them slowly made their way out the castle and into the city to exit out of the West gate.  

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