Leevi (3)

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**** A/N:  WARNING: Torture scene.  If you are unconfortable or triggered by this, please do not read.   -ptd

Emmy left the disbelieving Arashi in the garden as she made her way towards the dungeons.  Several soldiers bowed their heads and greeted her on the way. After descending five flights of stairs, the stench of feces and body odor filled Emmy’s nostrils.   

When she reached her destination, six guards stood up and greeted her.  

“My Lady.”  They all said as she bowed to her.  

“The woman from last night.  Has she woken up yet?”

“Yes, she has.  She’s been screaming for the last two hours and threw her food at the door.”  One of the soldier said.

“Take me to her.” She ordered.  

The soldier who spoke up, turned around and lead the way.  Emmy followed him and the soldier took her down the hallway, where he opened the iron gate with the key around his waist, then down another hallway, where another set of iron gates had to be open with another set of keys.  They repeated this process two more times before they reached Emmy’s destination.

“She was screaming too much so we moved her to the back so we wouldn’t hear her.”  The soldier told Emmy.

“That’s fine.”  Emmy said. “Open it.”  

The door opened and inside Leevi who had been huddling herself in the corner looked up.  The dark room lit up with the torch the soldier brought inside. Leevi could only see the silhouette of several dark figures.   

“What do you want?”  Leevi screamed. Her voice was hoarse from shouting the past two hours.

“Bring her next door.”  Emmy ordered.

Two soldiers behind Emmy, passed by Emmy and was able to capture Leevi.  Leevi fought back, however she was too weak for the soldiers.

“What do you want to do to me?  Where am I? Why am I here? Who are you!”

The room next door was quickly opened.  It was a large room with torture devices hanging on the wall.  When the lamps and torches were lit up, Leevi saw the room and started screaming.  

“Put me down!  Let me go! I didn’t do anything!”

The two soldiers chained her wrists and ankle to the wall and let her go.  They went and stood by the door and waited.

“Who are you?  What do you want?  Please let me go!”

None of the soldiers paid her no mind as they waited.  Finally Emmy showed herself as she walked into the lit room.  

“L-lady E-Emmy.”  Leevi cried as she saw her.  She knew her life was over the moment Emmy walked through the door.  “Please. Please forgive me. I-I had to do it survive. Please… let me go.”

“Leave us.” Emmy ordered the guards.  

The room cleared out and Leevi’s heart dropped.  Even though the soldier left the room, they stood outside the hallway.  They didn’t want anything bad happening to Lady Emmy and stood by just in case she needed them.  

“All those years ago when you sold me to Heather, did you think we would be standing here today?” Emmy asked as she walked to the side of the room and ran her hands over the weapons that were hanging. “Did you think that betraying me, you could continue living, eating, and sleeping comfortably as I suffered at the hands of others for so long?  How good was the the food you ate that you stuffed yourself full? How comfortable were you that you could sleep at night without feeling guilty?”

Leevi began to cry harder and harder at Emmy’s words.  

“My Grandfather brought you into our home.  He trusted me into your care. He took care of your family.  And the thanks you gave him is selling me to Heather the moment he was buried! Ha!  Had he known what kind of an evil heart you have, he would have killed you immediately.”  

Emmy picked a small dagger off the wall and went over to Leevi.  

“Forgive me.”  Leevi pleaded. “I know I was wrong.  I had no choice.”

“You had no choice?!?”  Emmy shouted as she began to cut Leevi’s hair.  “The only person here that had no choice was ME! Do you know how many years I suffered without having a CHOICE!”

Leevi struggled, but to no avail, Emmy was too strong.  After cutting her hair in patches, Emmy grazed Leevi’s skin with the tip of the dagger.  

“Tonight.  You will find out that there are no Gods to answer your prayers. I too, learned this a long time ago. This is the gift I’ll give to you.”  

“No! Please don’t!”  Leevi screamed.

The soldiers who stood outside the door, hardened their hearts as they listened to Lady Emmy and the maid’s conversation.  When the maid began to scream, they did not make any moves to stop Emmy nor help the maid. The moment they heard that the maid betrayed their Lady and made their Lady suffer, they wanted to find justice for Lady Emmy.  It was a good thing Lady Emmy captured her enemy.

An hour later the cries of pain and pleas of suffering finally stopped.  Emmy walked out of the room with blood splattered on her dress, but she didn’t notice it.  

“I want her to suffer a long time before she dies.  Watch her closely, I don’t want her to have any opportunities to kill herself.”  Emmy tells them. “Bring her to the wolves to play with her. Make sure they can’t kill her.  Tell them, this is their gift for being good.”

“Yes, my Lady.”  The soldiers all said as they bowed to her.  One of the soldiers lead her out as the other three took care of Leevi.  

Inside of the room, there was a pool of blood on the ground, however there were no blood dripping off the body.  There were newly formed scars all over Leevi’s body and face. One of the soldiers placed a thick collar around Leevi’s neck as the others place thick cuffs on her wrist.

They brought her to a room with two windows.  Inside of the large room were 10 men. They were all dirty and emaciated.  Around their necks were collars connected to the stone wall by a thick chain, and the cuffs on the wrists were connected to a thick chain.  

The 10 men all stood up as they heard the door being unlocked and watched with hungry eyes as they saw a woman for the first time in over 10 years.  

“Our Lady Tomas gifts you this woman for your cooperation and well behavior.”  The soldier said as he chained Leevie to the middle of the room.

Her feet was chained to the ground, while her arms was chained together in the small of her back.  She only had enough chain to lay down and stand up. While the men hand enough chain to reach her if they wanted to.  

“Now this gift isn’t allowed to die so quickly do you understand?”  The soldier stated. “Should this gift die too soon, you know what will happen to your families if my Lord or Lady is displeased. Do you understand?”  

“Yes.”  They all said as the only thing they could do was stare at the young supple woman in front of them.  

It had been 10 years, some even more, since they all seen a woman.  They had to turn to each other to relieve their discomforts. Now that they have a plaything, they would pay more attention to it more and ensure she lives long side them, for a long time.

The soldiers locked the door and the moment it closed, Leevi’s muffled screams could be heard as they walk away.   Her fate rested in the men in that room, whose fate was to rot in that room until their dying day.

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