Lord Edie (2)

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“How will you account for your daughter’s transgression against me and mine?”  Seoras asked Lord Edie.

Even though it would hurt his pride to swallow his anger and ask for an apology, he still did it.  For it was the only way out of the sticky situation that he and his daughter was in.

“What is it that you ask?”  Lord Edie said through his teeth, as if saying those words could kill him.  “If it is something that this Lord can give or do, this Lord will give it to Lord Seoras willingly.”  

“How generous of Lord Edie to offer a gift of reparation.”  Seoras said as his lips straightened and the smile on his face shined through, however it made Lord Edie shiver with dread. “This young Lord will not ask for something so big from you, Lord Edie.  In fact, I will not ask for gold and riches. I will not ask for land and resources. I will not ask for men or women.”

A sense of dread filled his heart as he listened to Seoras speak.

“I will not ask for your life or the lives of your family.  Hell, I will not even ask for Lady Avina’s life.” Seoras kept saying as he looked down on them  

“What is it that the young Lord asks for?”  Lord Edie asked as sweat began to drip down his forehead.  A sense of foreboding came over his heart and if he could, he would grip on to his chest and squeeze it tightly.  He suddenly felt he should not have asked that question.

“Oh, it’s something that you have no use for.”  Seoras said nonchalantly before pointing to the necklace around Lord Edie’s neck.  “Just that small chain around your neck.”

All the guest in the hall gasped in shock.  No one would dare try to take the necklace that every Lord of Maru wore.  It was an heirloom that was passed down, from ruler to ruler, generation to generation.  It was a priceless phoenix stone. The last one of its kind. Even though it was a useless phoenix stone that no longer works, it was still the only one of its kind.  Although it was useless, it was also priceless.

For many generations, it signified the rightful ruler of Maru.  To give it Lord Seoras, would it mean that he, Lord Edie, gave his seat as Lord of Maru to Seoras?  

“I don’t want your land or people.”  Seoras quickly told him. “Just the necklace, will do.”  

Lord Edie was silent for a long time before he spoke.  

“You won’t make a move against me and try to take the Lordship away from me?”  Lord Edie asked.

“I won’t.”  Seoras told him.  

“You won’t try to claim Maru as the rightful heir?”  

“I won’t.”  Seoras told him again.

“You promise?  On your word as Lord Ceco?”

“Promise.  On my word as Lord Tomas of Ceco,  I, Lord Seroas will not claim to be the rightful heir of Maru, nor will I try to take the Lordship away from you.  I will not make a move against you, unless provoked.”

Lord Edie was quiet for a long time before he threw away his pride, his honor, his anger and his title, before he agreed.

“Very well.”  Lord Edie said as he nodded his head once.  “If it is the phoenix stone necklace you want as reparations, then this Lord will give it willingly to you.  Upon the exchange, you will pardon my daughter and her transactions against you and yours.”

“My Lord!”  General Alex shouted.  “You can’t!”

“I can and I just did.”  Lord Edie said as he resigned his thoughts and feelings.  He will give in now, but later when he was ready to attack Ceco and Seoras.  He will take everything that was taken from him and make Seoras regret going against him.  He’ll make Seoras wish he would have killed him instead of taking a gift of reparation.

Seoras waved his hand and a vine suddenly appeared from behind him.  It wrapped itself around the necklace and took it off Lord Edie’s neck.  It then grew as it brought the dangling necklace to Seoras. The phoenix stone shined brightly with it’s multicolored radiance, lighting up the room in different colors.  It’s beauty caught the attention of everyone in the room as it finally landed in the palm of Seoras hand.

Seoras then placed the necklace straight into his pocket as the magical force suddenly disappeared.  

Lord Edie and everyone else felt as if they could breathe comfortably for the first time in a long time.  However they were still weary of the young Master of Ceco.

“Your journey to Ceco has been long.”  Emmy said as she looked down on their guests.  “Rooms have been prepared in advance. Food will be brought up to your rooms and a warm bath is already waiting for you.”  

From behind them six maids have stepped forward in a single file line to receive the guests.  

“These maids will show you to your rooms.”  Emmy told them.

Lord Edie was stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Should he take his daughter away, immediately and reject Seoras and Emmy kind gesture, or should he keep on pretending as if everything is forgiven and later return his anger to them tenfold?

“Then this Lord will rely on the hospitality of Lady Emmy.”  Lord Edie said as he turned around to follow one of the maids.  

“Father!”  Avina shouted as she tried to stand up.  How could they stay? Shouldn’t they leave and prepare their army for war?  

“Follow your Father.”  Lord Edie told her in a stern voice.  “You are dirty and need a bath. You need food and rest for the journey home.”  

Avina nodded her head in agreement before Lady Hanna and Lady Donna helped Avina walk out of the dining hall.  General Alex glared at Seoras and Emmy before quickly following Lord Edie.

Lady Margaret stood still as she watched the man who was her son as if she did not recognize him.  Her son, who she gave birth to, treated her like a stranger. Her heart hurt, but not for their lost relationship.  Her heart hurt for herself. Had she known that she gave birth to such an unfilial son. She would have killed him in her womb and never given birth to him.  

Now was too late for regrets.  She came to Ceco for a reason. She must successfully do what she promised Lord Edie and General Alex.  Seoras must mary Lady Hanna and Lady Donna.

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