The Shameless Pair (2)

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**** A/N: Rape scene. Please skip this chapter if you're triggered by it. -ptd********

The two of them stared at the woman with a confused look in their eyes as if to say they didn't do anything wrong to her.

"You shouldn't have lied in the first place, then I wouldn't have come here. You lied to me again when I asked you your names and because of that, the two of you will be punished more for it." Emmy said as she moved within the hedges with her two hostages. "However, all you know how to do is lie. Lie to everyone. To each other, even to yourselves. So I shouldn't have expected that you would tell me the truth."

When they reached the end of the maze, the hedges were put back in place as if it never moved. Drew's guards were nowhere to be seen. His last hope died along with the sight of an empty garden. The garden party that was in full swing when they left was quiet and empty. Emmy walked as the vines brought the two behind her through the garden as if she was taking a leisurely stroll.

Drew's eyes widen at the guests laying down on the ground, asleep. Every guests, servant and guard was down on the grass asleep and could not see them getting kidnapped by the mysterious woman. They couldn't even give Drew or Mae help, even if they could. The more they struggled to escape, the tighter the vines became. The moment they relaxed, they vines relaxed as well.

They were brought out of the garden, through the courtyards and to the back of the estate, where a wagon waited for them. The vines threw Drew and Mae inside and the cover closed on top of them.

The moment the wagon moved, Drew knew, their lives were no longer theirs to control. They were at the mysterious woman's mercy and they could only hope to get out of it alive.

The wagon traveled for a short while and made several turns. Drew didn't have a sense of where they were until the cover of the wagon opened and the sight in front of him, chilled him to his core.

The large white house with gold trimmings made it look magnificent, if you were a patron. To those who worked inside of the courtesan house, it would be considered a prision. The well known Hundred House of Pleasure had 100 rooms. Inside those 100 rooms, were different and tailored to different needs. 50 men and 50 women worked inside the Hundred House of Pleasure. The rooms ranged from, simple entertainment to extreme punishment.

Drew's eyes watered with fear as the young woman spoke with the Madame of Hundred House of Pleasure. The Madame lead the three of them inside and straight to the Madame's office. Inside the Madame only looked and spoke the mysterious woman and gave no indication that she noticed Drew or Mae's presence at all.

"I hope your travels here went smoothly." Madame said.

"Yes, it did." Emmy agreed as she drank the tea that was poured out for her.

"I did not expect you here so soon." Madame confessed. "I do apologize if you are not satisfied with the arrangement."

"I'm not too picky." Emmy told her. "As long as they learn from their mistakes. That is all I ask."

Drew and Mae struggled and screamed for help, but were ignored.

"I can see that these two are well bred steeds." Madame observed the struggling man and woman. Her eyes lit up with delight as she instantly recognized the both of them.

"Yes." Emmy said as she drank her tea again. "Well bred, however poor in behavior and manners. You must keep a tight reign over them."

"Of course." Madame said nodding her head in agreement. "I will ensure they are well trained and disciplined for the job. We can't lose face here at Hundred House of Pleasure."

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