First Love

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“Lord Tomas!”  Heather softly said as tears threaten to fall.  “Are you just going to sit there and let Lady Tomas speak this way to your guests?”

Seoars’s didn’t even look a Heather, ignoring her completely.  His actions caused her tears to fall immediately. Her silent tear stain face made anyone who has a weak deposition to save a frail damsel in distress feel as if they needed to stand up for her.  

But with Lady Tomas’s domineering words and Lord Tomas’s power, there was nothing anyone there could do to stand up for Heather.  

Heather quickly pushes her chair away and runs out of the hall.  She was followed by her maid and two soldiers and the hall became quiet again.  

“If you really want to know why they call me The Peerless Slayer, all you have to do is ask me and I’ll give you a first hand experience as to how I received that name.”

Colton shook his head no and the soldiers followed suite.  The vines quickly disappeared and the hall went back to dinner as if nothing happened.  

“There must be something here that they want.”  Emmy whispered into Seoras’s ear. “Their first step is to create a trade agreement, after awhile they will ask to buy some land to build a trading company, they will ask for permission to hire guards to protect the merchandise, and they will start bringing their families over to live with them.  In the meanwhile, underhandedly, they will be looking for something that we have that they want.”

Seoras nods his head in agreement.  Igoh’s movements were too suspicious.  If Igoh wanted to honestly trade with Lire.  They would have traded directly with the King in the capital city and not travel all the way to Ceco to trade with Seoras.  

After dinner Seoras, Dominic and Gengrick along with Minister Igoh, Duke Arashi and Sir Colton went to Seoras’s study.  Seoras wanted to hear what they had to say, so they began their talks in private. While Emmy left the castle and went to her flower garden.  She sat in her usual spot on the ground, legs crossed facing the setting sun.

When the sun set, Emmy felt footsteps making their way towards her.   She could tell right away it was Prince Cael. His footsteps were quick and anxious.  She waited until Cael found his way towards her and stopped just a few feet away from her.  Watching her back for a long time. When he realized that Emmy didn’t recognize his presence, his heart felt pain, however he didn’t let it affect his determination.  

Just when he was about to take a step forward, Emmy finally spoke.  

“You can speak to me from there.”  Emmy told him.

“You…”  Cael began to say however everything he wanted to say was suddenly forgotten.  “What do you think about my confession back in Clovis?”

“What about it?”

“H-have you thought any more about it?”  

“What is there to think about?”

Cael’s heart tighten at her words.  Emmy did not think about him once since she came back from Clovis.  However, his every moment, he thought about her. He wondered how her hair smells like.  How her eyes would shine for him, how her smiles will enchant him. How her body would fit so perfectly next to him.  He wanted to possess every inch of her and make her his, but she didn’t even wonder about him.

“Do… do you not feel the same way about me.”  

“No.”  Emmy told him truthfully.  “I have my men. Why do I need more?”

“Why can’t I be one of them then?”  Cael asked desperately. “Why can’t I stand by your side as well?”

“Do you think you’re worthy of it?”  

“I do!  I’m the Crown Prince.  I’m next in line to be King.  With my strength and powers I can protect you, care for you, love you!”  Cael said as his heart felt as if it would burst at any time. “What can I do for you to believe me?”  

“There is nothing you can do.”  Emmy told him truthfully. The moment he came for her life, was the moment she would never forgive him.  Even if he was given false information, he should have made sure the information was false or not before he attacked her.  

“I will not give up on you.”  Cael said as he stood firm with his feelings.  He never felt this way about a woman before and he wasn’t willing to let her go.  

“You’ll be wasting your time and mine.”  

“I’ll show you that I’m serious about you.  That I’ll protect you. That I’ll love you and care for you.  You just have to wait, watch and see that my words are truth.” Cael declared firmly.  He will do everything and anything to win her favor. He will make her love him. Even if it took the rest of his life, he was willing to win her love slowly but surely.

Emmy didn’t answer him.  She felt it was a waste of time for her to keep on arguing with him, if he firmly believed in his words.  However, to Cael, he took it as a silent affirmation that she’ll wait for him to prove his love to her. With a heart full of young courage, he left Emmy alone to think about what he could do to show her how much he loves her.  

An hour later, Emmy heard footsteps walking towards her garden.  The footsteps were steady and made its way towards her. He too stopped a few feet behind her and stared at her back before he spoke.

“Emmy, it’s me.  Arashi. Don’t you remember me?”  Arashi asked.

“Duke Arashi, what brings you out here to my garden?”  

“Emmy, stop acting as if you don’t recognise me.  It’s me, Arashi! We went to school together. You and I would always compete to see who had the best scores in school.  I use to pull your hair during class and you would punch me in the face every time. We use to get in trouble for fighting and arguing.  Don’t you remember anything? What about your Grandfather, General Light?”

“What is your purpose here Duke Arashi?”  

“Come back to Igoh with me.  I’ll find the best doctors to help you remember your past.  I’ll protect you and lo---”

“Why would I want to go anywhere with you?  I’m perfectly happy and safe here.”


“Do not say my name as if we are acquainted with one another.” Emmy warned him.  “I think you should pretend that you did not come here tonight with the intentions of taking me away from Lord Seoras.  If he knows, you would not see the rise of the morning sun tomorrow. Put away your thoughts of the past and see that there is nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind.”

Arashi squeezed his fist by his side tightly, was else was there for him to say.  She made her intentions quite clear. Arashi turns around and quickly leaves the garden and makes his way back inside of his room.  

It wasn’t until he was inside of his room that he realized his mistake.  Emmy never once denied that she was the Emmy from his past. Nor did she deny that she doesn’t remember him or their past together.  And she did not deny not knowing her Grandfather. She just told him to forget the past and move on.

Arashi banged his head against the door a couple of times before he makes his decision.  He wasn’t ready to give her up. Not without a proper conversation about why she disappeared.  Why she is now Lady Tomas and why she won’t leave Lord Seoras. He couldn’t give her up, not just yet.  She was his first love after all.

*** A/N:  Surprise!  Here's another chapter for you lovelies.  Just a quick warning for the next chapter, there is a quick mention of a situation that might not be NSFW or NSFS if you're reading this at work or school.  Nothing too detailed **cough, yuri, cough** , but just wanted to let you guys know, just in case.  Anyways, next chapter will be posted soon.  (Surprise again!)   Thank you as always for your patience, your love and support.  Please like, share or comment letting me know your thoughts! -ptd xoxo

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