セブン / wtf

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æs.beaut : are you mad?

xuminghao_o : for what?

æs.beaut : oh yo-you didn't know?

xuminghao_o : No. uhm can I ask you something?

æs.beaut : sure thoa

xuminghao_o : who's the boi u talking about my girl? im so jealous 😞

æs.beaut : actually...

xuminghao_o : actually?

æs.beaut : uh, it's you 😞 I know I don't have to do that atleast uh- sorry minghao 😞

xuminghao_o : I got to go..

æs.beaut : I'm sorry minghao 😭
seen : 15:27 am

"I guess he's mad, I'm so stupid" I told myself

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