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kwon_hosh15 : hi 😁

æs.beaut : is this really hoshi? 😶

kwon_hosh15 : of course im you 10:10

æs.beaut : I'm so luckyyy 😭

kwon_hosh15 : hey uhm, you're minghao's girlfriend? right?

æs.beaut : actually no, I'm he's bestfriend.

kwon_hosh15 : did you know that since the day he sent you "I got to go" he's crying? I tried to comfort him and asked him what happend.

æs.beaut : what?! really? where is he?

kwon_hosh15 : he's on his bed staring at your post. he's sniffing I guess he's crying.

æs.beaut : please tell him to sleep, I will talk to him tomorrow 😞

kwon_hosh15 : ok wait.

hoshi's pov

"minghao-ah go to sleep already" I said

"aniya i'm not yet sleepy hyung" he replied

"I know you're tired, you keep staring on Y/N's ig post she told me that she'll talk to you tomorrow" I said trying to comfort him.

"hyung I just can't" he said already crying loud he's eyes are swollen

"minghao I'm always here ok? tell me what's the problem" I said calmly patting his back.

"hyu-hyung I like y/n but I can't , pd might punish all of us because of me" he said between the sobs

"look minghao. if you really like her then go. I think pd will understand"

"but hyung we're idols"

"I know minghao let's keep this as a secret ok? I will help you now go to sleep already y/n is worried" I said he only nods and shut off his phone

kwon_hosh15 : it's ok now

æs.beaut : that's good to hear. thanks a lot hosh hosh! ♥️ go to sleep too! thanks again I love uu!

kwon_hosh15 : you're always welcome y/n I love you too, minghao would be really jealous hekhekhek

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