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Third person's pov

today is the day, all of them practised hard for there routines, each of them had unique styles,
there are 18 person, but at the very end.
the group will debut as ot13.

time check : 6:00am
all of them are inside the van, on there way to the restaurant to eat their breakfast.

"Goodluck guys! be confident."the manager told them.

after eating their breakfasts, all of them are on there way to pledis entertainment.

all of them are getting nervous, the van was silent like you can clearly hear their heartbeats.

the van stoped at pledis entertainment,
all of them are freaking out.

"guys! guys! breath in and.. breath out!"the manager told them, in order for them to calm down.

the manager brought them again inside the big hell room. all of them stood in front.

after minutes, a man with glasses came in.

"it's nice seeing all of you again."the ceo spoke.

"don't be nervous, enjoy it."the ceo smiled to them.

each of them danced,sing, performed their routines. and it's the time for the first groupings.

y/n's pov
all of us performed, we did our best.
but at the very end we will still be grouped, I really did my best for this.

all of us stood in the middle again.
the ceo looked at us and smiled.

"for the first person in the major team is."the ceo said all of us just stayed in silence.

"Jung eunmi you're the first person in the major team, congratulations."ceo said, all of us cheered she make her way to the right confidently.

"the first person in the manor team would be.."

"i'm so sorry, jessica I think you need to improve your skills, but you did well today."the ceo said, jessica unnie nods annd forced a smile.

"second person in the major team would be."

"Lee y/n I loved your dance style, congratulations"I smiled everyone cheered but when I looked at eunmi unnie she's rolling her eyes again.

dude if you keep doing that I swear to god.

it's finish, it turned out that there is
11 persons in the major team and 7 persons in the manor team.


/excuseeeeeeeeeee, eyo eyo. em'ma skip the time very very very long, im such a lazy worm, im so sorry./

Hard works, exhausting days. 9 peoples got elliminated, cries, madness, efforts.

after those hard works, sleepless nights.
they made it, rookies of the month.

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