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æs.beaut : I keep thinking about you, they said crying is healthy lol so I'm hella healthy for crying 2hrs straight ㅋㅋㅋㅋ i'm so silly

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beautstagram : Y/N ssi go to sleep you're always staying up all night that's not good for your health Y/N ☹️
æs.beaut : don't worry I'm alright 😊

kwon_hosh15 : Y/N - ssi stop staying up all night that's not good
æs.beaut : wait what how did-

aestheticleebeaut : Y/N ah that's not good go to sleep already ok?
æs.beaut : lol arraseo eomma ㅋㅋㅋ
aestheticleebeaut : aw u're so silly ㅋㅋ

æs.beaut and 178.2k liked kwon_hosh15's comment

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