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I woke up at 7:34 yeah 5 hours of sleep yep that's me. I need to message hoshi for help. since he became one of my bestfrienda too

æs.beaut : hoshii I need ur help bro

kwon_hosh15 : lol y/n, perfect timing

æs.beaut : why? are you planning for minghao's birthday too?

kwon_hosh15 : yeah but we don't really know what to do..

æs.beaut : aish don't worry hoshi, I got u I have a plan 😁

kwon_hosh15 : you're the bestest friend ever! so what's your plan uri y/n?

æs.beaut : aigoo, ok so how about we go to a carnival unnie told me theres a fire works display at 11:11 pm

kwon_hosh15 : omygod, that's totally fab!!

æs.beaut : hol'up... is this seungkwan?

kwon_hosh15 : how did you know?! omygod are you a wizzard? 😱

æs.beaut : omygod ofc not, seungkwan is really fan right? "divaboo?"

kwon_hosh15 : that's right! ok so when will we go there and where will we meet?

æs.beaut : lol calm your ass down boi.
we will go there at 5:00 afternoon we will meet at the café near the pledis ent

kwon_hosh15 : ok then! all of us agreed it's gonna be a perfect day! see ya later bae 😉

æs.beaut : yeah yeah whatever u still owe me five fish cakes thoa ㅋㅋㅋㅋ see u later then bae

this is gonna be fun!

I got myself ready and wore black sweater black pants and my white adidas

I was just scrolling until someone message me on ig

xuminghao_o : lol my girl forget about the special day :(

æs.beaut : really? what's special today?

xuminghao_o : aish nvm. btw we're on our way to the café shop want to come and drink with us?

æs.beaut : oh really ok then see ya 😉

tooo earlieeeee seveeenteeeen

I get my sling bag and put my wallet, powebank, cord, lip balm, mirror and comb

I'm ready to go.

"haebin unnie? I'm gonna go see you later!" I yelled and stomp out the house

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