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Minghao's pov
after reading y/n's letter I run to seungkwan and grab his shoulder and said.

"Where's y/n? where's y/n!?" I asked freaking out.

seungkwan could only stare at me. shocked

"I said WHERE'S Y/N!??"I asked but this time i shout. where is y/n pls pls pls i need her.

a tear escape from seungkwan's eyes.

Seungcheol and jeonghan hyung went to me and hugged me.

"h-hyungs w-where is she?"I asked again sobbing on ther shoulder.

"She will be right back hao, it's just for 3 months" cheol hyung said and patts my head gently.

"yes she will be back after 3 months the8 just wait for her nothing will happend arraseo?" Jeonghan hyung said.

I could only nod and cry harder.

"s-sorry for not telling you the8 h-hyung" Seungkwan whispered and run upstairs.

I went to my room and throw the thing on my desk. I held my head and cried harder.

"y/n p-please w-where.. a-are y-you" I said to myself

great my life is a mess :)

End of Minghao's pov

Hoshi's pov

'im so sorry y/n. im the one who made the situation complicated. sorry for making u suffer.' I thought tears escape my eyes I quickly wiped them.

"h-hyung are you ok?" Chan asked me worried

I nod

ever since I met you y/n.
I'm actually jealous.

why fate so cruel.

"i'll go to my room now" I said

"when will you come back y/n?" I whispered to myself.

I past through the8's room and I heard him screaming and crying hard.

I open his door and saw his things scattered on the ground.

then he looked up to see me his eyes were full of sadness and madness at the same time.

then he run towards me and grab me by my collar.

"WHY WHY WHY HYUNG WHY?!" He said his eyes were res because of crying too much.

"S-sorry minghao" I said then he suddenly pushed me

"WHY DID YOU DO IT!?"He yelled

"w-what are you talking about minghao?" I asked what is he talking about...


"MINGHAO STOP!!"Seungcheol hyung yelled. jisoo and jun hyung run towards us and held minghao's shoulder to stop him.

my life is messed up im so sorry minghao-ah and y/n-ssi

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