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Minghao's pov
I was waiting for seungcheol hyung to get back home. I heard the door knob twist.

"Hyung?"I asked

"oh minghao? why are still awake?"cheol hyung asked, hoshi hyung run upstairs holding a tissue with a red face.

"I was gonna ask for your permission if I can go out tomorrow?"I asked cheol hyung

"oh sure"he simply answered and sit next to me.

"oh hyung why is hoshi hyungs face are red?"I asked looking at cheol and woozi hyung.

"oh about that.."seungcheol hyung said and looked at woozi, woozi hyung nods.

"don't freak out ok?"seungcheol hyung said, i nod, i stopped to let cheol hyung continue.

"beaut is back"seungcheol hyung said, I totally stood up and said

"no you gotta be kidding me hyung, yes she is back on being active on her social medias, but what the f-"

"calm down minghao, y/n is back. infact she and her friend auditioned here at pledis entertainment."woozi hyung said while making his way to the kitchen to grab a drink.


I run upstairs and locked my room, I sit down on my bed and grabbed my phone.

I scroll down on my weibo account, trying to calm myself. there is one status captured my eyes.

Lee_y/n ;
I thought I'am your bestfriend, but why would you hide something very important for me to know? am I really your bestfriend?

"what the fuck is she talking about?"I asked myself.

should I go message her? WHATEVERR

xu_minghao : hello beaut, it's been 2 months
i missed you.
                                                               seen 11:13

   Oh hi minghao, I missed you too : Lee_y/n

xu_minghao : why are u still awake? where are you?
    chill hao, im practising my dance routine
     ofc im inside the dance practice room.

xu_minghao : what? where is the practise room located?

                      pledis entertainment : Lee_y/n

xu_minghao : oh goodluck! gtg!

                                                thanks : Lee_y/n

"wait for me lee y/n"I said to myself

I change into sweater I grab my phone and tip toed downstairs.

good seungcheol hyung is not here already, if they caught me im gonna be so so so dead.

I got out of the dorm I went inside seventeen's car and drive to the pledis entertainment.


i was walking on my way to the practise room, the door is slightly open, I could hear a sound but it's not that loud, she was playing a sad song. I peek on the door lightly.

she was holding her phone, she's sniffing she's trying to stop herself from crying.

"ha ha, why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend before?"she told herself bitterly.

who's the person she talking about?

"don't you know how much I love yoi but I just can't? because you're an idol?"she spoke again.

idol? she loved an idol? but w-who?

"eunmi, eunmi unnie, she's your girl before right? she is your world before or until now?"she tolde herself crying harder.

eunmi? as in, jung eunmi? she- she's the girl I really love but she left me without saying goodbye.

"why is my life so cruel? why c-can't I just lo-love you?"she said between her sobs.

s-she loved me?

"WHY AM I SO UNLUCKY?!"she yelled crying her heart out while holding her head, I can't take this anymore, I dash inside the practise room and hugged her.

she was so shock but to weak to get out from my hug.

"mi-minghao how long did you s-stay here?"she asked wiping her tears away with her thumb.

"y-y/n i heard everything"I said and cupped her face.

"w-why didn't you told me you have a g-girlfriend be-before?"she said stuttering, I pulled her again to hug.

"y/n i-im so sorry"I said patting her head, a tear escaped my eyes.

"m-minghao wa-why can't I just l-love you?"she sobbed on my shoulder.

"y-y/n you can love me"I suddenly said, I could sence that beaut was shook.

"w-what?"she said amd pulled out from the hug.

"I said you can love me"I sai again smiling like a total idiot infront of her.

"that's not allowed, you may get kicked out from your career because o-of me, I don't want that to happend."She said pouting like a adorable duck

"let's keep it secret so.. wanna be my girlfriend?"I asked her, she looked to me with red ass face.

"lucky fan, yes"She said and hugged me.

"YES! lee y/n is now my official girlfriend!
haobeaut is now official!"I said and hugged her tight.

"Let's be careful hao ok?"she said

"yes we will be ninjas!"I said she chuckled.

"don't you mind telling me the story?"I asked her, she nods and sit down comfortable.

"we were playing spin the bottle truth or dare, at first spin the bottle stoped at eunmi unnie.
I asked her who is the person in her lockscreen wallpaper, pretending that I don't know you"she said

"my girlfriend said she don't know me"I said while pouting.

"shut up! just let me talk!"she said and I laugh she's such a cutie, I want to protect her with all my heart.

"she said that, you are her ex, that she doesn't know why she broke up with you. and.."she stoped.


"she said that she will win your heart back someday"She said looking down.

"don't worry I won't let her, you own this heart."I said her face immidietly got red.

"stupid!"She yelled.

I teach and helped her for her dance routine, after that I bring her to there dorm.

Goodluck my girl 💓

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