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Hoshi's pov

im sure these two are hiding something from us. God is giving me signs I mean Jisoo. Jisoos christ. (lmao hoshi what are u thinking?)

y/n keeps pulling up the sweater when it falls even just a little.

minghao keeps eye on y/n's neck

and the both of them keeps looking at eachother.


Maybe I'll talk to y/n later, let me/us enjoy ow yummy our breakfast is.

- after breakfast -

"i'll be right back"

Y/N stood up from the table and head towards their hotel room. Minghao was busy talking to jun and mingyu he didn't realize hoshi run back after y/n.

Minghao just noticed it when the three of them stoped talking. he panicked.

- inside the hotel room /5e17, minghao and beaut's room/ -

Y/N's pov
I came near the mirror too check the marks minghao gave to me.

I slightly pulled down the cloth blocking the marks. Its still fresh. I was just focusing on my neck.

then I looked up to my face and see a hella shocked kwon fuxking soonyoung.


I pulled up the sweater, he came near me.

"what's that y/n?" he asked and keeps walking near me.

"nothing.." I said and tried to smiled.

"it doesn't look like it's nothing beaut" hoshi said wtfffff someone please help me.

"It's just a rashes" I immidietly said. then he stoped walking towards me and said.

"Rashes don't turn violet beaut"he said and run towards me and pulled down lightly the cloth blocking my neck.

"who gave you this?" Hoshi asked intencely.

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