new life

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Y/N went to, los angeles to forget about the 3 of them for 3 months.

somehow after 2 and half months y/n and sohye met on a internet café when y/n was searching for a work.

"Y/N-ah, it's been long!" Sohye said and hugged y/n

"yeah! oh why are you here?" y/n asked and pulled out of the hug

"oh yeah I forgot, I moved last month because my granda lives here I need to visit her every sunday but I don't live with her, grandpa is with her, by the way I go here to message you about auditioning again?" Sohye said

"oh yeah totally! let's go to my dorm?" y/n said sohye nods, then the both of them walk towards y/n's dorm.


Y/N's pov

"So what company you want to audition sohye-ssi?" I asked her

"Hm what about pledis entertainment?"Sohye asked my eyes widened

"it's ok.. you want to audition on pledis ent?"I asked her again then she nods her head multiple times.

"when are we gonna audition?"I asked her

"how about we practice first then after practising let's take a video of our dancing since the both of us is good at dancing. then we send it on pledis entertainment" She said

"so we are gonna audition online?"I asked

"Oh obiously gorl now what song are we gonna dance?"She asked, then a song quickly show up my mind

"Privacy by chris brown?"I asked she nods

"when are we gonna start practicing?"she asked

"what about today and after 2 days we video it and send to pledis?"she said then I nod

sohye go home to get her clothes because she will sleepover on my dorm for 3 days

I got myself ready. and tie my hair up

end of y/n's pov

the both of them practiced hard. after 2 days they sent a video of them dancing on pledis entertainment's online website.

then they wait




Sohye's pov


Both of us sood up and checks y/n's laptop

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GO ONNN OPEN IT!" I said y/n is shaking same as me omygod

"ok ok! chill homie!"She said and laugh then she clicks it and closed our eyes. y/n was the first one who opened her eyes then

"sohye-ssi..."She said dissapointed. why?! we didn't get in?

I quickly opened my eyes and look at y/n her eyes is tearing up then I look at the laptop

my eyes widened

Pledis Entertainment
to : beaut_lee8
today at 11:11am

Thank you for sending us your video and for auditioning, we would like to see the two of you performing infront of the judges and who knows, maybe you will be the next! your tickets for south korea will get payed by the company, more info about the ticket will be following soon. we are waiting for you!

Pledis Entertainment Casting & Training

"OMYGOD Y/N WE MADE IT!!!!"I said then we screamed

End of sohye's pov

y/n's pov

hah, it's been 2 months and half.
I miss you minghao. im really sorry I really need to stop posting on my sns to forget the cruel times im so sorry

see you seen pledis entertainment.



I figure out that I have ALOT of chapters which is really weird for me because im too Lazy to write but... yeah it's just super duper weird for me omy, im such a weirdo.

btw let me explain. *DUuN DuUn DUUUUN*

When y/n (your name) left south korea. she stopped posting on her sns (social medias) because she thought to herself that she needs to forget about how hoshi confess to her.
because she likes minghao but then likes hoshi too at the same time.

after 2 and half months y/n and sohye *sohye is her trainee friend but then sohye got eliminated, y/n is very close to sohye the're like siblings. y/n is a trainee for 2 years and half but she left the company because of sohye she worries alot. y/n's old bandmates debuted as 'twice'*

The both of them decided to audition to pledis entertainment. which is the company of seventeen.

y/n could only smile, that both sadness and happiness. because she could see seventeen again specially minghao. she misses her parents to. seungcheol and jeonghan.

That's it. and I might do a book 2 :D this is just way tooooooooOoO many chapters for me.

so see u on the next chapter :*

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