beach / pt2

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they've reach their destination.

third person's pov.
"LOL IT'S ALREADY DARK!" seungcheol yelled while pouting like adorable duck.

"Awe it's ok we will swim tomorrow." angel jeonghan said.

"ok now we have to rest, go to your rooms" manager nim said.

all of them nod, except for y/n.

"what about me? who's my roomie?" She said.

"MEE!" minghao yelled, y/n blushed light amd run towards minghao.

both of them walked towards their hotel room.
(dirteu waterus don't think dirty. ya dirty woter)


"y/n" minghao said.


"let's go out, wanna get some ice cream?" Minghao said while ruffling his hair.

"right let's goo~~" y/n said tugging minghao with her.

"Y/N!" minghao suddenly yells.

"oMYGOD WHAT MINGHAO!" Y/N yelled back. both of them giggles.

"MY GIRL!" Minghao yelled and blushed same goes to y/n

"MY MAN!" y/n yelled back.

"aish jinjja! we're already here stop yelling minghao" y/n said playfuly hitting minghao's shoulders.

"alright what ice cream flavor?" minghao asked.

"Mintttt!" Y/N squiled in happiness.

"alright. can we have 2 mint ice creams please" minghao ordered.


*Clicks clicks clicks*

"yah! stop taking pictures of me beaut!" Minghao said. y/n just giggled because of minghao's cuteness.

"let's go buy chips after this I'll treat you!" y/n said minghao just nod.

- mart -

Minghao's pov
we found a claw machines. then..

"YESSS!" y/n yelled, why is she so cute?

I took out my phone and take a photo.

I can't miss this opportunity

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