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third person's pov
the two of them went in their hotel room laughing out loud.

they changed into their pj's and tuck their selves on the bed.

"The bed is so comfortable so cozy" Y/N said

"yeah more when Im with you" Minghao whispered

"what?" Y/N said didn't hear minghao's words

"nothing hehehe"

the both of them chit chat until the're both sleepy

"let's sleep it's past midnight beaut, goodnight" minghao said and kissed y/n's cheeks

y/n blushed hard on minghao's sudden moves

"Goodnight man" beaut said but she is not yet sleepy so she decided to check minghao's face.

Y/N's pov
His so precious. sorry I can't love u. that's not allowed you're an idol.

My hands moves on it's own and brushed few hairs from covering minghao's face. So pretty.

I wish I could ki-

"Just kiss me if you want too" minghao suddenly said making y/n wanna shout her ass off but keep it to herself.

"what do you mean?" I said.

"I know you wanna kiss me, just kiss me if you want to." He said, is this boy a wizzard or something how could he knew that I wanted to kiss him?

"I don't understand y-"

"If you don't wanna kiss me then I'll kiss you" Minghao said and suddenly lean closer and connect his lips on mine.


I kissed him back and put my hands around his neck his hand snake around my waist pulling me closer.

the kiss at first was so calm but after minutes he starts to bite my bottom lip asking for me to open my mouth light so I did

his tounge explored over my mouth.
his gripped on my waist tightend I pulled him closer to me.

then he pulled up and starts to lick my collarbones. and a light moan escape my mouth I could feel that he smirked through my skin and sucked my collarbones deep.

"Ming..hao~" I moaned lightly and he smirked again and kissed me again.

Then licks my earlobe.
"ha-hao~" I moaned again

then he kissed me one more time.

"Goodnight Jagi~" Minghao suddenly said

Y/N could only blushed madly

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