d-day / audition //ㅇㅁㅇ\\

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"Y/N!"sohye's high pitch voice woke me up.

"WHAT THE ACTUAAAL FUCK KIM SOHYE?" I yelled and looked at the clock.


"oh of course my dear y/n there is no school today."She said calmly.

"THEN DON'T WAKE ME UP AT 5:10 IN T-"she cut my sentence

"SHUT UP! TODAY IS THE DAY THAT WE ARE GONNA AUDITION BITCH!"She yelled, my eyes widend and stood up immietly

I looked up to sohye she was already ready. wtf

"HOLD UP! OMYGOD IM SUCH A MESS!!"I yelled and run towards the bathroom, but then get out after 1 milli seconds

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TOWEL? OMYGOD"I yelled frustrated sohye was just standing there laughing her ass off.

"uh? y/n? your towel is at your shoulders?"she said, I stoped and looked at my shoulders.

oh.. what the fuck?


I went in the bathroom again to take a bath.


"ok so we are here, enjoy ok? if ever you are nervous just close your eyes and breath in and out, imagine you are just practising, hwaithing!"manager said then we hugged her

"oh and don't worry there will be a lot of people will audition, but you two are in the first team since the both of you auditioned online" she said again then walked away.

we get in inside the auditioning room, OMYGOD SO MAny PeOPLES.

one of our team mate invited us to the line of the first group and told us not to be shy.

"Hii, are you sohye and y/n?"she said

we nod as we sit on the first line.

"probably you are asking how the hell I know your names? actually you guys are the first auditioners, manager told us that the both of you has a unique audition."she said and smiled. we chit chat until the audition starts.

the judge yelled the numbers of the members of the first line, which is my team.

eunmi(yun-mi) unnie? i don't know I guess that's her name. she's infront of me which is im the fourth to the last and behind me was the unnie that invited us to the line, behind her was sohye, sohye keep closing her eyes. I held her hand and mouthed her a "hwaithing!" she smiled in return.

after minutes the judge yelled (A16) which is my number. I slowly get up and went to the x in the middle.

'what the fuck should I do? the unnie infront of me is sooo talented! what the fuck! breath beaut!" I thought

the judge nod I start to sing

-imagine you're the girl.
(listen to 0:21-0:27)

as I started to sing after 20 seconds the judge stoped me, I was so shock im the first person who told to stoped, so I just stood there dumbly.

"can you dance?"the judge suddenly asked, I nod.

"did you prefer a song?"He said I nod even thoa I did not, I get my phone and searched the first song came out of my mind (pretty girl by maggie lindemann)

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