leaders / tips

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Seungcheol's pov
we were seating on the front row, hoshi was listening to our new song probably thinking about the choreography. woozi was playing on his phone.

after 30-40 minutes I saw our manager and two figures with her, one of them is so so so familliar.

our manager told them something before letting them in.

then the door of the van opened.

The girl with a black mask get in first, why is she so familiar? then the second girl get in, she closed the door and sit beside the girl with a mask.

I keep looking at the back, the girl with the black mask keep looking away.

her eyes, hair I don't know it's so familiar, it feels like I know her.

end of seungcheol's pov~

I put my mask on before I get inside the van, seungcheol keep looking back. of course I need to look back. I hope the manager won't let me remove this mask.


after an hour they arrived.

I tie my hair into a messy bun. then the both of us go out.

after the two of us, hoshi seungcheol and woozi gets out.

the five of us gets in the big house or should I call in mansion? whatever it's big.

the manager stops on the living room and let us sit.

hosh, cheol and woozi sit infront of us, hoshi and seungcheol keep looking at me. woozi was playing? on his phone idk.

"ok so first, the leaders of seventeen will give you tips for the both of you."she said and looked at me.

"oh and miss can you remove your mask? I would want to hear your opinions"She said, my heart beats 1000x faster than a race car wtf

this time, hoshi, seungcheol and woozi looked at me, or should I say they are now staring at me.

I slowly remove my mask.

"oh" seungcheol and woozi said at the same time.

hoshi just looked at me.

"why s.coups and woozi?"the manager asked

"uh no she's just beautiful" seungcheol suddenly said aishhh!

"ok so i'll leave you guys alone, call me if you're done giving them tips" the manager said and smiled at us before she leaves.

i looked back at sohye she's morethan shock.
I elbowed her and whispered to her

"sohye-ssi this is fucking awkward"I whispered to her then she whispered back with.

"I fucking know just, just speak you idiot"she whispered back.

"what?! you idiot how am I suppose t-" dhe cut me of

"uh should we introduce our self first?"she asked

"yes please"seungcheol said still looking at me.
whaaaaat daaaaaaaa heeeeeeellll

then sohye elbowed me. awkward as fuck

"dae, annyeonghaseyo lee y/n imnida, hope we get along well"I said and bowed to them.

"annyeong y/n" woozi said and smiled at me, I smiled back.

"annyeonghaseyo sohye imnida!" sohye said and bowed to them too.

hoshi elbowed seungcheol, cheol was taken back.

"*cough* ok so we will give you tips so that you'll have a successful audition arraseo?"cheol said the both of us nod

cheol elbowed hoshi, hoshi was sweating really hard.

"uh- eh- first you need to be confident with what you are doing, show that you are prepared."hoshi said avoiding an eye contact

without thinking my fucking hand slowly went to hoshi and hand him the tissue I was holding

"you're sweating too much"I said and hand him the tissue he took it and wipe his sweats while I scratch the back of my neck.

"thank you beau- y/n" hoshi said I just nod my face turning red

________after the tips _________

"Goodluck for the both of you!"seungcheol yelled inside the van, the both of us yelled thanks to them.

the manager bring us to the entertainment, but not in the auditioning room, she brought us to a really cute room, 1 bunk bead and a cute room thingys.

"since it's already 11:37pm you guys should rest, I'll guide the both of you to the auditioning room tomorrow, but for now rest ok?"she said, me and sohye nod to her and bowed


"shut up! let's take a rest, tomorrow is gonna be a nice day"sohye said drifting of to dream land after changing into her pj's not even doing her night routine.

aish this girl, she must be so tired.

I changed into my pj's and took a selca.

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