話す / coincidence or nah?

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xuminghao_o : nvm boo at the back ㅋㅋIm so exciteed! seee you later my girl ♥️

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xuminghao_o : nvm boo at the back ㅋㅋIm so exciteed! seee you later my girl ♥️

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svtscarat : our fashionista omygod ♥️

pledis_boos : you're so mean what do you means nevermind me? ☹️🐻
xuminghao_o : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ uri seungkwani
pledis_boos : you owe me ramen later!

beautstagram : isn't this a coincidence or nah?
beauthaoship : TRUE! 😱♥️
haobeauts8 : omygod im gonna faint
mingbeaut : same haobeauts8! 😵

joshuahong951230 : ㅋㅋㅋㅋ enjoy uri minghao :p
xuminghao_o : thanks hyung 💞

allkpop : Omygod is this a total coincidence with æs.beauts? this is totally my new otp!
mingbeaut : allkpop is a MOOD!

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