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Minghao's pov.

I woke up hugging y/n on my arms then the memory of yesterday night came up to my mind I blushed madly. I can't believe I did that.

I smoothly ruffle y/n's hair to wake her up. so that we woudn't be late for breakfast. it's already 9:15 I guess we stayed up late.

then y/n slowly opening her eyes and rub it

"Good morning y/n" I said I swear I could see the light blush from her cheeks.

"Good morning hao" she replied back and pinched my cheeks. AW

"let's get ready it's already breakfast time, others are waiting. I guess" I said she nods and stood up.

we went through the bathroom and took a bath. (their hotel room had 2 bathroom u dirty wateru)

- after taking a bath -

I went to my bag and change into red sweater and wait for y/n to go out.

then y/n came out of the bathroom wearing.
Shorts and a tie dye v neck croptop.

I felt my cheeks hit as I saw purple-ish marks on her neck. I guess she forgot about what happend yesterday but I don't want the others to know what happend.

"I'm done let's go." she said

"hey y/n don't you mind changing into turtle neck?" I said tryna stay calm because we're gonna get late.

"why is my outf-"

her sentence got cut by DK hyung dashing on our hotel room.


I immidietly run towards y/n. and wrapped my arms around her neck my sweater was covering her hickeys.


"Sorry hyung! now please go ouuut we will go next to you pleaseee" I said doing an aegyo I know it's cringey BUT HE CANNOT SEE Y/N'S PURPLE MARKS!

dk hyung gave me a weird expression and went out.

"hey why did you sudde-" I cut her sentence.

"you don't remember anything happend yesterday night?" I said her eyes widened and cover her face.

"I'm sorry I coul've just step back but-" She said tearing up.

"hey it's not your fault ok? It's my fault I started it." I said and hugged her.

"now change to your turtle neck." I said and kissed her head.

"but I don't have any.." She replied.

"here use this it's over size I think it could cover your marks." I said handing her my sweater she nods and quickly change amd we dash through the breakfast hall.

both of us look for them. finally..
why are they giving us death glares? AH SORRY HEHEHE

"What took you so long? xu minghao and lee y/n?" Scoups asked.

"Sorry cheol oppa we over slept." she said then seungcheol nods and smiled.

"ok let's eat!" jeonghan Yelled.

"YESsSS!" all of them yelled as an answer.

"ow y/n why are you wearing minghao's sweater?" Jeonghan suddenly asked.

"ah because- it's- because. I love sweaters" she said were gonna get busted idiot y/n ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
then she held my hands tight under the table.

"lier y/n you would wear crop tops than over sized sweaters" Hoshi hyung said all of us laugh.

"im not on my mood to wear crop tops hosh" She said.

"Aishh, y/n noona and minghao hyung is hiding something!!" Seungkwan yelled.


"WHAT IS IT?!" Jisoo hyung yelled. all of us
looked at him in shocked.

"ow sorry I raised my voice to high sorry" He said.

"is my son and daughter hiding something from their family?" Jeonghan said.

"NoO moma" Both of us said omg this is hard

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