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Seungcheol's pov
I woke up because of the sun hitting my eyes.
I stood up and wake up the others we slept on the living room.

"Seventeen!! wake up!" I yelled

"SEVENTEEEEN" I yelled again.

all of them slowly get up.

"where's seungkwan and chan?" I asked the others.

then we heard a steps coming down. I looked up and saw seungkwan holding few pieces of papers. is he writing lyrics or smthng?

"Oh seungkwan what's that?" I asked him he only smiled.

"Should I go wake up y/n?"Dk said smiling happilly

"No hyung"Seungkwan suddenly said

all of us looked at him.

then he gave us a letter one by one well. except for hoshi and the8 wtf is happening

I read the letter

Dear, Seungcheol oppa :)
Annyeong :) i've decided to stay away from seventeen for 3 months or so. I just want you all to live happy life without me im just a lucky fan who meets her idols but you all are my family now but somehow the status of me and the two other members are complicated so I choose to stay away from them for atleast 3 months. I'll miss u cheol appa :(( I'll miss the way you scold dk oppa for being loud. saranghae appa seungcheol <3

tears escape my eyes. "i'll miss you too my daughter" I said. I looked up and see the rest of the member crying. except for the8 and hoshi again.

Chan walk down stairs holding two papers and gave them to hoshi and minghao.

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