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æs.beaut : you're really tall ☹️ let's do this a lot ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and stop teasing me about how our height is different from each other ㅋㅋㅋ

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mingbeautsshipper : GUYS! am I the only one?y'all guys! the boy really looks like minghao!
                 the8luv : nah man u're not alone!
beauthao : OMYGOD

beauthao : OMYGOD is It REaLLY MINGHAo?

allkpop : NEW OTP OMYGOD
        haobeauts : guys allkpop is really a mood!
        beautsloveforminghao : oMyGod same!

beautstagram : omygod uri beauts is growing up 💜


kwon_hosh15 : I'll say I agree with allkpop 🖤

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