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Author: I'm ashamed that I was to lazy to update and because... THIS GAME IS EPIC!

Lena: What is?

Antonette: 7 minutes in heaven.

BlackFire: *appears out of nowhere* damn, Au, get a life.


Tate: *wakes up* Huh, Bablooza! Mama!

BlackFire: *Scoffs* Geez. I don't get why Lena likes you. *leaves*

Yuuki: who's she? Lol.

Author: *waves hands dismissively* let's go! Changing the system a bit for now.

Dare courtesy of: Aomikuchan


Alucard: What's that?

Tate: *wrenches data pad off of Antonette's hands and throws it to Alucard which hits him exactly in the forehead*

Alice: Haha! Eat that lover boy!

Zilong: I'd prefer if he ate my dick.

Antonette: Ow. Excuse me, I must relocate my wrist.

Author: We've got our first one up! A perfect time for BJ's!

Lena: this book has turned to cringe.

Yuuki: If I weren't chill I'd kick you.

Tate: TOO BAD IM NOT! *kicks Lena*

Antonette: hmmm... let me try out something. *snaps fingers*

*cricket noises*

Antonette: I'm so disappointed. Let me flush my head down the toilet now.

Moskov: Aren't they supposed to be in the closet?

Zilong: can't you see we're publicly gay and dating?

Zhask: *snorts*

Argus: What a hideous sound.

Zhask: Not that yours is any better.

Rafaela: Though you must admit that it is cute?

Freya: You truly do.

Argus: *sigh* I hate you both for being such fine readers.

Zhask: Eugh.

Author: Hmmm, let's try Rafaela and Argus for once.

Argus: Waa-NO—


Argus: Hey....

Rafaela: it does not immediately apply that we kiss, Argus.

Argus: *blushes* that—

Rafaela: Anyway, when are you gonna fornicate with the alien invader?

Argus: What is fornicate?

Rafaela: Sexual intercourse. I will not use a slang.

Argus: *LETS OUT A DEMONIC SCREECH AND PROCEEDS TO VICIOusly scratch the door whilst choking*

Author: Oookay, ZiLucard is up!

Zhask: I am offended that that angel would assume we'd engage in coitus.

Tate: what's that?

Zhask: sex.

Everybody: *looks at Zhask*

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