Chapter 5 - She's In A Band?

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(Jensens POV)

Its been a few days since (y/n) asked me out on a date, I still can't believe she did, I was in my trailer I decided I was gonna go over to her trailer and talk with her, it's been a few days since then, and we only talked during our scenes together, other than that she was in her trailer or off the set doing stuff, I figured she regretted asking so I was gonna go tell her she didn't have to go on a date with me, when I got to her trailer Misha was there. 

"Hey Jensen, figured you'd come here, she isn't here, she had stuff to do, she said she'd be back in a little bit." I sighed a bit and nodded my head, he was her brother, he knew her well enough, to know what she's going through, if she talked with him, so I looked at him. 

"Has she said anything about me? Or regretting asking me out on a date?" I ask. Misha shakes his head. 

"She and I don't talk about you when we are at our house, we more so talk about what scenes she has coming up and she talks about what Eddie is up too, and what she has coming up besides the show, but she did mention you once, she asked about you." Misha says. We turned and walked away from her trailer. 

"She did?" I ask. He nods his head. 

"Yeah, more so asked if you were mad her, cause she figured you probably thought she was avoiding you." Misha says. I shrug. 

"Yeah, but I'm not mad her, where has she been running off to lately?" I ask. Misha smiles at me, then looks away, a slight smirk. 

"That's a secret, now lets go get food I'm starving." Misha says. I grumble in annoyance, I walk with him, while we were eating he was texting someone but didn't tell us, we had a few days off while they put things together, editing it all and such, so  we decided to go to a bar that night, Misha suggested a bar we never went too, but he said the music and drinks were good there, so we went. We got there, I got out of the car, I stretched my legs, we walked into the bar, Jared was with us, we went to a booth, we were talking, and I noticed a band was setting up. 

"Live music, hm, interesting." I say. Misha nods his head. I catch a glimpse of a guy that looks familiar, I've seen him, somewhere, but I can't place it. 

"Now introducing, the fantastic band that plays here every night, Saving Collins!" I see (y/n) walk on stage, and my heart stops at the outfit she is wearing.

"Now introducing, the fantastic band that plays here every night, Saving Collins!" I see (y/n) walk on stage, and my heart stops at the outfit she is wearing

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"We are Saving Collins, welcome to tonight's show!" She looks at us, her eyes widen but she looks away, she turns and looks at the band. 

"She's in a band?" I ask Misha, and he nods his head. 

"First song tonight is a song that's very close to me." I heard the door open and I glance back and her eyes goes to the guy and she quickly looks away, he moves to a table and sits down. 

"Misha who is that?" I ask, he looks over, his jaw clenches. 

"Her ex, who she isn't fully over." I look back at her, the drummer starts to play and she starts to sing. 

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