Chapter 22 - The Fight

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Your POV

I heard a knock at Misha's door, I was sitting on his couch reading over my lines in a scene coming up with Ruth. I figured it was Ruth coming over to go over the lines with me, so I stood up. But Misha stopped me before I got to the door, he has been a bit protective ever since the day at the hospital with Jensen and Jared. He looked through the peephole then looked at me confused.

"Did you invite Gen?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No I invited Ruth over to run through our lines for the scene, what is Gen doing here?" I pushed Misha out of the way to open the door for Gen. Her eyes were red, and puffy. We invite her and have her sit down on the couch. She looks like she's been crying a lot.

"Sorry to show up unannounced, I heard you two talking while I was on the other side of the door... Jared told me that (y/n) was staying here because Jensen got a bit rough with her, so I was coming to see if she's okay..." Gen says.

"I'm fine Gen, how are you doing? You mentioned Jared so you must've just come from there. Would you like a cup of coffee?" I ask. She nods her head. I went to the kitchen, Misha sat and talked with her asking about the kids, and how they are doing. I came back with the cup of coffee, creamer, and sugar.

"Thank you." She says.

"I don't know how you take it so I figured I'd just bring the things too you." I say with a smile. She smiles back at me and makes her coffee.

"Jared is doing better. He can leave the hospital later today. I said I'd come back for him once I come see you guys and get some rest. He understood completely." Gen says. I smiled a bit.

"Well I'm crashing in the guest room, I can clean my clothes off the bed if you want to go lay down, I have Ruth coming by to run lines so we will be quiet." Gen smiles.

"That would be fantastic, you have a nice house by the way Misha." Gen says. I laugh a bit.

"Yeah he does, well come on, I'll lead you to the guest room and clean it up." Gen sets the coffee cup down on the table saying she will see Misha in a bit, we head upstairs and down the hall. I cleaned off the bed, throwing my clothes onto the floor by the closet.

"I didn't know you were coming up today, otherwise I would've made the room nicer." I say a bit sheepishly while I fix the blankets a bit.

"Jared told me why Jensen got rough with you, and why he punched Jared." Gen says. I look at her. I stand there, expecting her to hit me, yell at me, call me names.

"Gen..." I start.

"Our marriage has been failing for a while, it was only an amount of time before he fell out of love with me and in love with someone else." Gen says. A tear comes down her cheek and she wipes it away before letting out a shaky breath.

"Gen, I will talk to Jared, you two have kids."

"I want him to stay for me, not for the kids (y/n), he doesn't love me like he loves you now. I know that now, and I'm accepting that, but can you accept that he loves you?" I sat on the bed a bit. I let out a sigh and I shook my head.

"No, I can't, I've always seen him as the best friend that took care of me when Jensen broke my heart, I showed up at your guys house for god sake! He was there when I crashed my car the night Jensen tried to apologize, he was next to me when I passed out after crashing my car, I squeezed his hand before everything went dark and he was there when I woke up..." I stopped mid sentence.

"You already love him." Gen says.

"I love Jensen." I say, my voice cracking.

"Are you telling me or yourself?" Gen asks. She sits on the bed next to me. She holds my hand, I feel tears fall down my face.

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