Chapter 16 - Welcome Back To Work

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Your POV

It's been a few weeks after I walked in on Jensen with another women, her back was to me so I didn't know who it was, and if I do find out, she's going to get messed up. Jared has been avoiding Jensen, and I've told Misha and he's been avoiding Jensen, everyone pretty much has been avoiding him, this is not what I wanted. I was sitting in my trailer when I heard a knock at my door, I get off my couch and walk over unlocking the door and opening it, standing there is Jared with a box of pizza, I smile at him. 

"You know me so well." 

"Well I figured I'd bring you food since you're probably busy reading your lines, I saw you have a few up coming episodes where you're basically the main character." 

"Yeah, can you run your lines with me? I know my parts to the lines, I just want another person I'll have a scene with practice with me for a bit." He nods his head and sets the pizza box on the table and pulls his script out of his pocket. 

"A good friend is always prepared to run lines. I see you meet Cas in the first episode, how does it feel to have a scene with your brother?" I shrug. 

"Well, I feel like we'd keep trying to mess each other up while the camera is pointed at one of us, so that's something. But besides that I've noticed I haven't had much scenes with Jensen in this script and up coming episodes, do the directors know?" I ask with the tilt of my head, Jared shrugs. 

"I haven't told them, I'm not sure about Jensen and Misha." 

"Misha wouldn't tell unless I told him too, he keeps my secrets and I have only seen Jensen when in passing since being up here... So I don't know if he told them..." I say. 

"Well, if he did then his loss, he will be on camera less." Jared says. We sit and run through our lines together. Jared kept messing me up causing me to laugh and hit him with my pillow. 

"We aren't even in front of the camera to make bloopers stop it!" I shriek at him. He puts his hands up in surrender. 

"Alright alright." He chuckles deeply and I shake my head. Jared has become another brother to me since being on the set. He ruffles my hair. I push his big hand away. 

"Don't mess up my hair, I don't touch your hair don't touch mine." He smirks. 

"Fine, well I told Gen I'd call her around lunch time, so I'll see ya later, and before you say it yes I'll tell Gen you say hi and love her." I smile as he walks off and I go over to the pizza box and open it taking a slice of pizza. I plopped back down on the couch scrolling through my phone on twitter, when I get a notification that I was tagged in something. 

jarpad: Been awesome hanging out with one of my best of friends, wouldn't change her for the world, so thanks for being my friend small Collins! BadAssCollins

 I smiled at his post, there was many likes and comments already, I saw one was Jensen which read "yeah she really is perfect." I closed out of twitter and I decided I'd call Logan or Eddie, one of the two. I messaged Logan. He answered my text quickly and I called him. 

"Heyyy! How are you? Hows work?" He starts throwing questions at me and I laugh a bit. 

"One question at a time jeez Loggy!" I laugh, he laughs as well. 

"Well how are you? That's my main question, I haven't seen photos of you and Jensen, you guys alright?" I sigh into the phone, before answering. 

"I saw him with another women, in our bed..." I say, my lip shaking a bit, as I try to hold back to the tears that want to make an apperance. 

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