Chapter 6 - Small Shows And Dates.

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(Jensens POV)

I was sitting in my trailer, Misha and (y/n), had a scene together, so I was thinking of what we would do tonight for the date, she said she had something to do before the date, so she had to push the time back, I heard a knock at the door.

 "Yeah." I say. The door opens Jared walks in. He smiles at me before plopping down on my couch he looked at me, as I set my phone down on the table. 

"So, you know what (y/n), is doing before the date?" Jared asks. 

"No, but, we can always ask her, since she had to push our date back an hour or so." Jared had never closed my door, so I heard people complementing (y/n). 

"You were amazing!" I hear Ruth say. I hear (y/n)'s laugh. 

"Yeah, you're a natural born actress!" I hear another person say. I hear her laugh again, I hear her say she has to go, before walking away.I hear her calling someone. Jared looks at me, knowing we can hear her, but she doesn't know. 

"Hey, no no I will be there, I told you, I wouldn't back out of it, sure I forgot when I asked him, but I pushed the time of the date with him back, so it will be okay, if anything Misha and Jared will hang out with him, Misha telling him things I like so it will work out just fine, I promised I'd be there, and I'm gonna be there, wouldn't back out on you." I hear. I clench my jaw, was she seeing someone else? Jared looked at me, he sent me a look, a sad look. I shake my head, she was hanging up the phone she walked up the steps to my trailer and pokes her head in smiling. 

"Hello moose and squirrel." She says with her Scottish accent, I can't help but let out a small smile, I hear Jared chuckle, Misha was behind her in a second. 

"Hello Dean." He says in his castiel voice, that makes (y/n) loose it laughing, he nudged her and she fell on the ground as Misha simply stepped around her. She gave him a look and he simply shrugged. 

"Not my fault you're a clutz." She growls at him and looks at me smiling widely. 

"We on for our date tonight?" 

"Yeah. Wouldn't miss it for the world." I say, forcing a smile she smiles and kisses my cheek. 

"Perfect, so my house 8:30, alright?" She says. I nod my head. 

"Perfect, actually, what are you doing before the date?" Her face pales and she looks at Misha who was sitting on my couch looking at his phone he looked up seeing her face. 

"Oh she just has some, important other work stuff to do." Misha says. She looks at me, nodding her head, she looks at Misha then at me and Jared. 

"Yeah, but I gotta go, I'm gonna get ready for the date tonight since I don't have anymore scenes, bye boys!" She left quickly. I sit down on the couch I look at Misha was watching me. 

"So, what is the important other work stuff?" I ask Misha. He sighs caving in. 

"Meet me here at 5, I'll take you both there, but we gotta leave before she notices or else she will kill me." Misha leaves the trailer and I look atJared who simply shrugs. 

~Time Skip ~
Me and Jared meet Misha at the set around 5, he was in his car and we drove to this studio place, he parks his car and we get out and follow behind him. 

"We're gonna be in the back, that way she won't see us, if she does we will all be screwed." Misha says, we take the back row, a song starts to play and (y/n) walks out on stage wearing pretty much all red, a red top, a red hair scrunchy, red socks, but her skirt was a plaid school skirt, I leaned forward a bit. She looked amazing. There was three other girls up there with her. I looked over at Misha. 

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