Chapter 19 - I Still Love You Too.

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Your POV
It's been a few days since I got out of the hospital, right now I'm sitting on my couch watching a movie while Jared and Misha were talking in the kitchen, I haven't had a moment alone since I left the hospital, which is understandable, I had a broken arm, a lot of stitches down my sides so I had to take it easy, Misha and Jared would take turns coming by to check on me. I hear a knock at the door, I get up off the couch and walk to the door, standing there is Danneel and JJ, I smile at them. 

"Hi!" I say. I go to bend down but Danneel stops me. She picks up JJ so I can hug her and I smile and mouth thank you and she nods her head, Jared rounded the corner and smiled. 

"Danneel! JJ! It's nice to see you two, I hope the flight wasn't to bad." Jared says walking over to give them both a hug, Danneel and Jared were friends again because of me and I'm proud of myself. She smiles. 

"The flight was fine, I was actually coming to see if I could offer to take (y/n) out for a while, while you or Misha watched JJ, but seeing how you're here, could you watch her? While me and (y/n) have a girl day?" 

"I think that would be great, get her out of the house." Misha says as he rounds the corner, I see Danneel smile wider. 

"MISHA! If I had known you were here also I would've yelled hello." Danneel says. Misha laughs and walks over giving her a hug and a pat on the back before kneeling down to poke JJ's belly, who giggled at him. 

"Well, let me go get changed, and we can get going." Jared and Misha had already taken JJ to get something to drink and eat, I smiled at my brother and best friend. 

"Here, I'll help you." Danneel and I went upstairs to my room, she helped me change into a nice black t-shirt, and some nice jeans, she even helped me buckle my bra, she let me handle my underwear. We were walking back downstairs, I sat down on the bench and she helped me with my sneakers. Jared walked into the entry way by the door. 

"You call if you need anything alright?" I nod my head. 

"Will do, I'll see ya later Jared." He gives me a side hug before opening the door for me and Danneel giving her a side hug after I walked out the door, I walked to her car and got in fine, but buckling was a struggle, she helped me when she got in. 

"I feel so helpless, I'm sorry." I let out a sigh. 

"Don't be sorry, you have a broken arm, I remember having a broken arm, man was that hell! I had JJ also and she just wanted to be held constantly, so it was a nightmare." I laughed a bit when she told the story. 

"I bet, man I'm glad she didn't want to be held earlier." 

"Yeah, she's been in a mood lately, I think Jensen might've said something last time they were together and she's mad at him, I asked if she wanted to go see Daddy, she said no she wanted to see you, so she's probably upset I stole you, but I wanted to talk to you before I gave her an answer, she wants to stay in Canada with you for a week or so,  is that okay?" 

"Of course! Jared or Misha take turns coming to check on me, so I'm sure they'd love having a small one run around, they miss their kids, so having JJ around might make them feel better. I also don't know if Jensen told you but..." 

"He did, he's beating himself up about it, but don't worry, I'm not here to take you to him so he can do some romantic surprise, or talk you into forgiving him, I'm here to hang out with a girlfriend, and have a nice girls day, we can go to the spa, get something to eat, anything you want! I'm down for anything." I laughed, now I see why I loved Danneel, she was a sweetheart. 

"I know this really nice restaurant that I love and go to often, I can show you it if you'd like." She smiles at me. 

"I'd love that! What's the name? I'll put it into my GPS." 

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