OC info and Rules of book

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Samantha Bloom
-Age: 16
-Appearance: long brown straight hair and emerald green eyes
-Personality: atrovert, friendly, musical, poetic
-Crush: N/A (but later on forms crush on Elijah Parker)
-Species: Siren
•Your average high school girl who just so happens to have a growing love for the ocean, sadly her grandmother doesn't allow her to near because of her 2 very strict rules: never sing in public and never go swimming.
Elijah Parker
-Age: 16
-Appearance: muscular with tan skin, silver hair and grey eyes
-Personality: atrovert, fitness-lover, romantic (but sometimes really insecure)
-Crush: Samantha Bloom
-Species: Siren
• a very popular boy in Georgia high but often hangs out with other friend groups. Appears to always seem confident and strong but is really insecure behind closed doors.
Amy Wolfang
-Age: 17
-Appearance: long hot pink hair with blue tips and blue eyes
-Personality: cute, popular, flirty, manipulative, pretends to be innocent but extremely cruel when back is turned
-Crush: Elijah Parker
-Species: half-celestial
• Amy tends to be the most popular girl in in Georgia high, known to enchant students with her charm. Pretends to be innocent but will do the unthinkable to get what she wants. Her being half-celestial means that: she has the powers of a celestial, but can be harmed by regular hazards.

Some things might be confusing, so here's a small guide

-Book will occasionally switch POV

-Things with italics represent thoughts or special words (don't ask me when I say "special words")

-(things bold and in parentheses are meant to be author's notes)

The world of Secret Siren takes place in a world where monsters walk amongst humans. Example: in a group of 5 people, 2 of them are monsters. In this world, you can be put into 3 categories: human, supernatural human, and monster. Human: you have no powers at all. Supernatural human: you're a human but you have powers. Example: telekinesis, mind-reading, super strength. Monster: you're a certain species of monster, and each monster has their own abilities. Example: sirens, vampires, werewolves. Some supernatural humans and monsters use their powers all the time in public, but some keep it a secret from others.

Disclaimer! This book does have some swearing in it, I apologise.
Alright! Got all those points covered. Now that you know everything about the book, Have fun reading!

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