Chapter 21: Going home

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Steve's PoV:

     I woke up on the ground, ash flying everywhere. The ground was black from the fire, the fire? I immediately got up and found the kids lying all around. Max and Dustin already on their feet.

     "Are you two okay?" I said as I made my way after them.

     They nodded their heads.

     Lucas had gotten up and walked towards us.

     "Wheres Will, and Mike and El?" He said when he got there.

     "We need to go and look for them, now." I said.

     we searched around for a little while, we found them by the dead mindflayer. They still hadn't woken up yet. We carried them out of the gate.

     After we passed through the gate, the people from the lab took El and Mike from us.

     "No! What are you going to do to them?!" Max yelled dropping Will's legs. When they saw Will, they took him too and drove off back to the lab.

     "Get in the car!" I yelled pulling off my gear.

     We drove as fast as we could, when we got there, the parents were getting out of the cars.

     "Where were you guys?" Joyce said.

     "No time, we need to get into the lab right now!" I said as me and the kids headed towards the lab entrance. They looked at each other and then followed.

     "I need to see Dr. Wolfe right now!" Hopper said to the woman at the front desk. She looked frightened as she called him.

     "Dr. Wolfe, I have visitors for you." She said between shaky breaths.

     We waited for a long ten minutes before he came into the lobby.

     "Ahh, welcome family. The kids are being taken care of right now, I'll take you to them." He said. 

     We followed him in silence for a while until he came upon a door.

     "They're right there." He said pointing through the small window.

Hopper's PoV:

     The three of them on beds, cuts and bruises all over Mike and El, their noses and Ears were covered in blood, Will looked fine, just a couple of cuts and he was paler than usual.

     We walked inside very quietly and sat down at the end of the room and waited.

     "Why is Will here?" Joyce said walking towards him. "He doesn't look that bad."

     Wolfe came over and started talking.

     "Will and the mindflayer had a connection. It was broken when you burned it out of him a couple of months ago, but when the gate opened again, he was able to connect back with him. Now that its dead, the connection was broken and he was put into a coma. I'm glad you kids got out when you did, if you went any later, you would have been trapped there forever."

     Everyone nodded their heads and Will coughed.

     "Will?" Joyce said looking over at him.

     "Mom?" He said opening his eyes.

     "Yes I'm here, it's me." She said and grabbed his hand.

     We stayed in the lab for a while. Mike and El both had to go in for surgeries later that day. When they got back, they had stitches and bandages all around them.

     "They won't wake up for maybe a few days," one of the doctors said to us when they placed them back on the beds. "One or two of you can stay the night if you like." He said looking up at us.

     "Me and Joyce will stay," I said looking at her, she nodded her head.

Joyce's PoV:

     Me and Jim waited in the room with the kids overnight. I fell asleep in the chair while he was looking out the window.


     The next morning I woke up to Jim lightly shaking my shoulder. "It's time to go home Joyce."

     I nodded my head and got up.

     We got into his car and we drove home in silence. 

     "I can't believe Mike had powers." I finally said as he stopped the car.

     "I know, I hope his parents are doing well. And Nancy."

     I nodded my head. "Well, thank you for the ride. I'll see you later Hop."

     "Yeah, see you Joyce."

Authors note:

Ahhhhh Its been forever! The story is coming to a close and will probably have a max of five chapters left. :)

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