Part 7- BEN Deserved it.. Maybe?

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"You want to Know why we brought you here"? Jeff asks.
"Of course I do".
"Promise if you don't believe me say it"?
"Yes Jeff. Now tell me".
"There's something Slenderman found out a few years back".
"OK, continue".
"He said there would come a girl with the name of (y/n) that would cause a rift between the two worlds". Jeff explains.
"You mean like a bridge, right? Between this and the human world".
"Exactly. She would cause Jane and I to stop feuding for a while and with the rift being opened when she unlocked her abilities would come a war".
"And I would need to be protected to stop it"?
"Have you heard this before? Because you are making it a lot easier". He says grinning.
"And that's it"? I ask
"That's it" Jeff confirms. "Well it's time for us to make dinner for everyone. Let's go." Jeff takes my hand and leads me down the hall to the kitchen.

When we get to the kitchen I notice is how large it is. Red walls and black tile flooring. The counter alone takes up an entire wall! It's even got 2 large black sinks built in. Jeff walks right to the freezer and I follow. I didn't  realize it was a walk in until he had opened the door. I follow him and take what he hands me. Steaks and kidneys. OK then. Jeff then gently pushes me out and closes the door. He tells me to just set it on the counter. We wash our hands then go into the large pantry. Once again I take what he hands me. Lastly he calls Smile, his black and red Husky. Smile comes in and Jeff hands him a raw steak. I see why he's called smile and he's got a human smile. Smile takes the steak and runs outside with it. We, well Jeff decided it'd be awesome we mixed it up and got the grill out. It's awesome to know he can do that.

While the steaks are grilling and Jeff did whatever he had to with the kidneys for Eyeless. I told Jeff we should have a bonfire, he said we needed to ask Slender "After all these are his woods" he had said. Slender had reluctantly agreed, as long as we only use trees and branches that have already fallen. We go out the back and start collecting branches and flammable stuff. We get a huge pile in the backyard and then supper is done. Jeff calls everyone down while I get out plates and things. When everyone has their food we go outside to each and sit and talk around the fire. Well everyone except Slender. Jack and Jeff decided to bring out a couple of logs for everyone to sit on.

At the fire BEN brought out a handheld game. Jeff got up pissed and threw it into the fire, Everyone laughed. BEN told Jeff to go fuck himself and went back inside. Jeff yelled that's why he has me. I blushed really hard. Jeff
looks over at me and puts his arm around me and says softly "If you want". Then takes my face to look at him. And he kisses me. Not too forcefully but enough to hear people whispering. My eyes close instinctively and my hands move to touch his chest. I feel his hands in my hair. We kiss until we break apart for air. We stare into each other's eyes
gasping then hear someone say "Get some" and look over to see everyone's eyes on us. Jeff picks me up bridal style to our room.

Note: Reader if you want something to happen there it's up to you but I will write it eventually.

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