Part 13- Just a Dream?

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I wake up in a rush. I smell fire. Jeff isn't here. I scramble out of the bed and pull on a pair of sweatpants over my shorts. Fuck the shirt. I feel the door, It's warm but not too hot. I open the door and run towards the kitchen because that's where most fires start. Only it's totally flame free. I sprint to the living room in search for Jeff. He's not here. The smoke went from being barely visible to black. Flames are now eating away at the walls. I need to get out of here but I can't leave without Jeff.
"HELP" It's coming from the back bedroom, I need to get there but the smoke is too black. I cough as I run back to the kitchen, I need to go through it to get to that room. I don't know how I did it but I manage to get there. Part of the wall fell down and is moving, Jeff! I sprint over to the pile of rubble just as he pushes a hand out to me. I pull as hard as I can without worrying about hurting him. He must also be pushing up because he comes out of the pile quickly.
"We need to get the hell out of here"! Yells Jeff but it mostly comes out in a choked gasp. I take his hand and bolt for the kitchen.We make it only the entire kitchen by now is covered in flame. I look at Jeff and he looks at me and we run as fast as we can choking on smoke and break the glass by crashing through it. We pause for breath. When we look up however, we see that the worst is not yet over.The entire forest is on fire. We take off through the flames in search of Slender Mansion. SNAP! We look over where it came from just a bit ahead of us. It's BEN and he's running towards us as fast as he can, we speed up and Jeff starts coughing again and falls down. I bend down to help him up BEN finally makes his way where we are and he yanks Jeff up. We each grab a shoulder and put one of Jeff's arms around us. Together we once again start for the Mansion. BEN starts the conversation up again.
"How are you not burned yet (y/n)"? BEN asks.
"I'm a Tana. Apparently we are immune to fire". I answer.
"That's cool. Do you have any other powers"?
"Not right now". I answer. Jeff starts to fall again. At least we can see the Mansion.
"Come on Jeff". BEN and I plead.
"The fire has no choice but to go around the Mansion but man is Slender pissed". BEN says stating the obvious. Slender is standing on the porch, his head whipping side to side watching the flames burn his forest and he can do nothing to fix it, his gaze finally settles on us, practically dragging Jeff. A few feet to go Slender extends his
tentacles and grabs us all and takes us inside. BEN automatically heads for the kitchen. He soon comes out with a dark cooler. Water. He instead has a beer. Yuck.
'How did he not get burned though' I wonder.
"He's a demon, child. Like you, fire is no problem but unlike you he has a water problem, among other things". Slender nods to BEN and shoos a clown off the couch so he can lie Jeff down. The clown glances at me, laughs tells me his name is Laughing Jack and offers me colorful candy. BEN once again saves me from making a mistake tells Laughing to leave. He does while still laughing, his laugh is not your everyday evil laugh, it's softer I guess. Slender has a small towel on Jeff's forehead.
"There's not much I can do. He's been through a fire before so it's more trauma. He should pull through, just give him time." He calls for Masky and Hoodie, his proxies and tells them to watch Jeff. He then turns to me.
"My office. Now"! He demands.
In his office he locks the door and points to a chair.
"Sit". He commands. "What the hell were you doing before this fire started"?
"Sleeping". I say trying to stay calm.
"Just, learn to control your body temperature before you go to sleep, because this fire is a possibility". He says.
"Now, I need you to work on your fire controlling ability and test other things that could lead into abilities. One more thing (y/n), I need you to wake up and don't tell anyone about what happened".

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