Part 9- Our Kill

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BEN finally lets me go so I could say bye to Jeff but when I make it to the main room he's already disappearing through a portal. BEN sneaks up behind me and puts his arms around my waist and nuzzles my neck. I step out of embrace. And turn to him. Only it wasn't BEN. It was Slender, but it wasn't. This Slender was wearing a black fedora and trench-coat not to mention had shoved a gorgeous (f/c) rose in my face. I reached for it but was shoved  sideways. BEN looked at me from the floor.
"Come on BEN. You would let a friend rape-er meet your girlfriend wouldn't you"? The Slender Being asked. He to rape me? I got up and run back to Jeff's room and locked the door. I heard knocking on the door a bit later.
"Open the door (y/n) he's gone and it's time for our Kill". I get up and open the door. BEN looks me in the when I open the door. He grabs my hand and drags me back downstairs. I see Jane walking out the door and we her. BEN let's me go when we get outside. I walk over to Jane.
"Lucky you, BEN is your partner". Jane sticks her tongue out at me. She walks to a tree and asks us if we're to go. I look at BEN and he looks at me, we answer yes. Jane starts to make a portal.
"Your assignment will be a block north and 2 blocks west. 2 story brick house. Lucky for you he's in the bedroom. But his parents are awake and upstairs at the moment" she finishes the portal "Good luck you two"! And well BEN went through first then he pulled me through. Of course I fell and he caught me.
"BEN, stop"! I snapped at him when I pulled out of his arms. "Let's go". I say as I start walking out to sidewalk. Jane dropped us in a forest.
(y/n) wait!" I hear BEN running towards me. "I'm sorry, it's just Jeff doesn't deserve a girl like you". He talking when I turn around and glare at him.
"You don't know what Jeff does and doesn't deserve. You're just a perverted fuck trying to get in my pants. You're no better than Offenderman"! I snap at him. I went too far I can see it in his red eyes.
"Let's just get this over with". BEN mutters and shoves past me. We walk in silence to the house.At the house the lights are all off. This should make it easier, we only have to get in and make the kill.
"Hey, (y/n), Slender said to give you these for the kill. They suck but we didn't have time to properly equip you but Jane said you could handle this so Slender said anyway" He hands over a couple of throwing knives.
"I'm not sure what could they'll do but um, whatever works. And I'm sorry". BEN says. I smile at him and make a move to grab the knives.  He hands them over.  Together we walk around the house to the back door.
I whisper to him "How should we do this"?
He replies by picking the lock and sneaking in. I follow after a moment of hesitation. I take one of my knives and ready myself to throw it, BEN on the other hand just keeps on walking past the stairs. I wonder how he manages to always go where the kill is. BEN is at the kid's door. He looks at me to ask if I'm ready, I nod. He opens the door we walk into the room only.. the kid isn't here. I send a worried look at BEN and see that he has the same look. The door slams behind us and someone screams. I spin around and throw my knife has hard and fast as I can. THUMP.
"Shit". BEN and I say together.

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