Part 8- WHAT Happened Last Night?

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When my eyes open the next morning and I try to get up I realize I am being held as the arms around me pull me
closer. Jeff. Suddenly in one burst the last night's memories hit me. The last image stays the longest. The kiss. I jerk out of his arms and he lets me go. My back now to the wall.

"Good morning beautiful" Says a groggy Jeff. He look cute in a weird way. His raven black hair is messy, not dirty messy but in a all-over-the-place kind of messy. I imagine mine can't be much better either. "What are you thinking about" he asks while moving the hair that's in my face behind my ear.
"Last night" I sigh.
"What about last night"? Jeff questioned.
"Oh, you know" I inquired.
"I do, but I want you to hear you say it". He insisted.
"The fire" I trail off baiting him.
"And what. There's got to be something you remember".He smirked.
"Nope". His eyes search mine to find a clue. Got a bite.
"We kissed". He said softly.
"Really? Could you show me? I still don't remember". And catch. Why am I relating him to a fish? I don't know but it definitely is fun!
"With pleasure". He starts crawling toward on the bed. He doesn't have to go far. I scoot closer as I don't exactly want to be stuck on the wall.

He soon somehow gets me under him. He crushes his lips to mine. He licks my bottom lip asking for entry, he doesn't get it. So what does he do? I should've seen it coming, he bites my lip. Not hard but I still gasped. He slips his tongue in and both battle for dominance. I eventually give in. He won't give up. Soon after we pull away yet
again to our lack of breath. A silver string of saliva connects the two of us. I wrap it around my finger and suck it off. Looking Jeff right in the eyes. He seems to get more aggressive after this because he spreads my legs apart and pushes his knee into me and rubs. He then kisses my neck. I let out a moan. There's a knock on the door. Jeff
yells to go away but the door opens anyway. It's BEN. Jeff continues with what he's doing, leaving love bites.

"Uh.. guys.. well Jeff.. You need to go out on a kill". This gets Jeff's attention. He gets off of me. And walks over to BEN like he's the one Jeff's going to Kill.
"Who says". Jeff snaps.
"Slender". BEN answers irritated.
"BEN, i'm going to fucking make you go to sleep if this is another prank to get me out of the house". To get his point across to BEN he even takes out his knife.
"Who do I get to sleep with? (y/n)?" Jeff answers by putting his knife away and punching BEN. BEN falls backward out of the room and Jeff steps over him to go speak to Slender about his Kill. I am already up and going to BEN.

"Do you have a death wish" I practically scream at him. He opens his eyes and smiles.
"Possibly. Why are you going to"? BEN looks up at me.
"You're such a dumbass. Jeff will kill you if you barge in like that again". I slap him this time.
"He's been saying that for years. Besides if he did Slender would kill him". BEN mutters.
"You're probably right". I help him up.
"Oh and you're going killing with me tonight". He smiles and pulls me in for a hug. I try to get him to let me go but that only caused him to pull me in tighter. I let this one go. Jeff would kill him if he knew. I sigh.

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