Part 16- My First Kill

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So here I am walking down the damned alley wishing Jeff would bring his stupid ass back.
"Hey baby." I swing around to look at who called. Three guys are walking towards me, they look built well. Now I really wish Jeff were here. They start walking faster, I take off sprinting. They catch up quickly however when I make a wrong turn. Dead end alley.
"Shit." I mumble. The guys quickly surround me.
"You gave us a run babe." The one I'm guessing is the leader says as he stretches out his hand, I swat it away. "But I'm afraid we caught up now if you don't mind, we'd like to have a bit of fun." He says and starts coming closer. I realize it will be either me or them. If they get their way they will most likely kill me afterwards. I remember the knives Jeff put on my thigh and bend down slightly to pick one out.
"Looks like she's getting ready, huh boys?" The leader says and the others laugh. Imbeciles.
"I will give you thirty seconds to run away." I warn. They laugh it off. By now I have a couple knives in my hand and throw one right at the leader. It flies straight though the guy's throat. Blood spurts around the knife. This I like and before the others can process what just happened I throw another and hit another. Two down one to go. Throwing knives are gone but I still have the dagger but never get the chance to get it before I am shoved to the ground. I land on my back. I am staring into the eyes of the remaining assailant. He yanks my dagger away from me. Amazingly I held onto it at all. He decides to do what I thought he might- use my own weapon against me. He puts the blade to my throat. I am unfazed due to my first night with Jeff. He doesn't understand and gapes at me.
"Aren't you going to scream?" He asks confused. When I shake my head a little while managing not to slit my throat he proceeds to try to unbutton my pants. I know what I have to do and I feel the heat rush up into my hands.
"If you kn-know what's best for you you'd be running right now." I warn.
He chuckles and continues messing with my pants. I move one of my hands towards his head and he jumps back when he sees what's happening.
"What the fuck is wrong with your hand?!" He sounds terrified and his voice amuses me. I get up and he never got my pants undone and calmly walk over to him. There is a new feeling I have when I look at the guy who is now slowly backing up. 3..2..1 he takes of sprinting and I follow, sprinting and somehow to take my knives out of the other guys chests without stopping. He beats me out of the alley and he disappears. I see a garbage can in front of the house a I am now in front of. I kick it because I'm pissed,I don't even realize the light behind me or the cooling down of my hands not even the fact my
breathing has gotten extremely shallow and heavy.
I feel a hand over my mouth and a "Shh.. It's okay." Jeff. I let out a sigh into his hand.
"Gosh woman, you're burning up. What happened." He takes his hand away and I beckon him to follow me. I don't wait to see if he is but I soon hear his footsteps. I stop by the bodies of the guys. There is an extremely strong scent of blood. Jeff gasps but I can't tell if it's shock or happiness.

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