Part 15- So.. Now What?

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We are still on the couch a good hour and we've only covered a few pages.
"Where is Slender when you need him"? I sigh
"Dude's got a lot of paper work and I'm supposed to help you" Jeff answers back with a sigh. "So what have we -well you've learned. I'm not picking up on much".
'Great, apparently I must be the only one who can get this shit' I think.
"Well, a Tana obviously will get to control the element of fire. Some can harness all elements, though that is extremely rare. Most however can wield weapons of any sort with limited problems. That's all I've got". I tell him and being Jeff he frowns because he doesn't understand the text.
"How the hell are you getting that?! It looks like a bunch of gibberish"! He is definitely not happy. So I do what I do best. Since we are already cuddling in an odd position I put the book on the table in front of us. Dark brown with a more gothic-like look to it. I then turn to Jeff and lean forward. At least I don't have to say something. He leans forward. It's a quick kiss but he's not mad anymore, he's actually smiling.
"I want to go into town, I'm sick of just staying here. You up for it"? Jeff asks me.
"I thought we were supposed to stay put. That's what Slenderman said". I tell him but he's already up and moving towards the door. I run to catch up.
"Yes, but are you forgetting I can make portals (y/n)" he pauses. "We can go wherever you'd like" He smiles at me.
I beam back at him. "Let's go to Paris!" I practically scream.
Jeff winces at my outburst. "Why there?"
"It's the city of love, dork." I tell him and clamp a hand over my mouth after I realize what I've just said.
All Jeff manages to do is laugh. "I haven't hunted there before. Let's do it!" After I don't say anything he cocks his head to the side. "I need a kill or I'm gonna end up hurting you accidentally." He says. "So what do you say? Hunt with me?"
"Um... Sure." I say defeated. 'I so don't want to do this today.' I think.
"Great, but you need to change." He says.I look down and realize I'm still in my pajamas. "Right! Be right back!" I take of sprinting back to the house. Since I just need an actual shirt or something, I take one of Jeff's black ones. It's a bit big on me so I ponytail part of it behind me and walk back outside. Jeff already has a portal open and a hoodie on. He takes my hand and we walk through the portal. We come out on the other side in an alley. Jeff takes his hand away and I am about to protest until I see him pull a couple of shiny (f/c) throwing knives in a black sheath and a dagger in the same
sheath. He bends down to tie it around my upper thigh.
"Though these might be helpful tonight. Now, let's walk, shall we?" Before I answer he starts walking, I jog to catch up to him. When we stop it's in front of a trailer house. I follow Jeff to the back, turns out there's a chain-link fence we have to jump. Jeff clears it in one bound, me on the other hand eyes it and go for the climb over approach. As soon as start to slip over the other side my foot gets stuck. Jeff hardly realizes because he is staring at a window on the corner of the house. He waves me over. 'Oh for fuck's sake' I whisper to myself. This gets Jeff's attention. He looks pissed as he comes over and plucks me off the fence.
"You seriously can't jump that!" He whispers angrily.
"I haven't done this before!" I whisper scream back at him. He then does something I wasn't expecting. He drops me and walks away. I just sit there in some pain watching him. He opens the window and silently sneaks in while taking his knife out. When he comes back out sprinting and bloodied, he picks me up off the ground and continues running. I feel
jump the stupid fence. I close my eyes and don't open them until we stop. When I open them we are stopped in an alley.
"Will you be okay by yourself for a few minutes?" Jeff asks. "You can walk around if you'd like. There are a few stores and stuff still open a few blocks that way." He points. "I'll find you."
"Sure, but don't take forever." I tell him as he slips into a portal. 'I should've asked him what he was doing.' I think to myself as I start walking the way he pointed.

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