Part 12- So Begins the Learning Process

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"You are an Tana". Slender Answers calmly. "It means fire or star goddess in Greek".
Jeff grins even more "Does this mean it's an all female race? There can't be many now right"? He asks quickly.
"Well, there are more then what you would think. And yes, it's all female. Males have there own type too. In fact,to pass on the 'breed' of themselves a male and female have to.. you know.. Mate"? Slender goes from calm and collected to trying to go around the topic. I wish he had a face, it would've been priceless.
"Dear child, I want you to report here tomorrow sometime to learn about your destiny as Tana. You two are dismissed". Slender tells us. Jeff stands up and takes my hand to help me up.
"Close your eyes (Nickname)". Jeff whispers to me. I do as he says. He picks me up bridal style and I soon hear a door shut. Next thing is I'm bouncing in his arms and smell a mix of him and the forest and feel the wind. Then, it's gone.
"You can open your eyes now sweetheart". I do as he says and he sets me down. In front of me the most beautiful scene I have ever seen. A cabin with a waterfall behind it a ways. I hear the water and see the steam.
"You like"? Jeff asks. I nod. "Let's go inside". And he takes my hand. Once inside he gives me the tour. It's already furnished, so that's one less thing to worry about. All together the house has three bedrooms, the master room is gorgeous, it has one and a half bathrooms, the kitchen is large and leads out to a large patio. The view from the patio is unbelievable!
"Jeff, how did you manage to get this"? I ask
"I found it a few weeks ago. Turns out the guy who owned it died and since it's out here, people decided just to leave it. Slender says your mom is looking for you and decided to move us out here for a while. He wants to be safe and sure that they know your gone and not coming back". He tells me.
"Well, I guess this means I won't get to learn about my race."
"Nope. Sadly Slender gave me the book" He takes off a backpack I hadn't realized he'd had. He pulls out the book. It's charcoal black and if tilted at an angle I can see flame patterns on the cover. I flip through it, even the pages are black with burnt orange print. Strangely enough it has a faint scent of smoke.
"This is the book of the Tana. Of my race". I whisper. Jeff moves behind me and puts his arms around my waist and takes the book. We stay like that for some time. He lets me go and puts the book on the table by the couch and sits down. I follow and decide to try what Jane did to Eyeless. I sit on his lap except I face him, knees apart and on sides of his legs. Jeff was not expecting this. He cocks his head to the side and puts his hands back on my waist. We tilt our heads forward and finally our lips touch. This time I'm the one to try to gain entry first. I don't fool around I just nip his bottom lip and he gasps then growls when my tongue slips into his mouth. I try to win but he doesn't give up. I start to get wet and I feel weird about it but I start rocking on his lap. I soon feel him
poking my jeans. I know what will happen next and we break off at the same time. Jeff's giving me puppy eyes as best as he can and I give him mine.
"Do you want to"? He asks.
"I-I'm st-till a Virgin and I'm scared". I tell him honestly.
"Tell you what" He says "We'll do a little at a time". I agree on that, not telling him, I don't want to do anything until I'm married. But I'm starting to think that I could very much break that one virtue I have left for him. My eyes adjust to the darkness around me and Jeff and I look at each other. He scoops me off of his lap and walks me to
the bedroom. I change into a pair of black short shorts Jeff brought for me and take my hoodie off. It's hot in here or possibly it's the fire coursing through my veins. I just keep my bra on. Jeff Sleeps in his black boxers. He finally went down. Or maybe he.. did something while I changed. I crawl into bed with him and he pulls me into him.

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