Part 10- What Just Happened?

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"Shit" BEN and I say together. The person I hit isn't the kid. Nope. It's mom. His mom. I sneak out of the room, stupidly forgetting to get my knife out of the woman's chest and walk right smack into something tall and hard. I look up and see the father. BEN somehow got out of the room before me and is behind the guy. The guy lifts his hand to punch me, I dodge and miraculously get the guy's arm bent behind his back. I force him to the floor.
"BEN"! I whisper yell. No reply. Great. In this moment the father yanks his hand out of my grasp and knocks me to the floor. He straddles me and punches me in the face.
"You fucking bitch! I'm going to kill you". He continues to punch me. I feel blood coming out of my nose and lip.Now I'm pissed. I feel really warm and press up with my arms and as soon as my hands touch the man's chest there's a spark and he flies backward. 'What the hell just happened'? Just as that though comes in BEN says it. He cautiously walks over to me. I try to get up but I'm shaking too much BEN helps me up.
"You're extremely warm (y/n)" He whispers softly.
"I know, did you get the boy"? I ask.
"I did, now let's get home before the cops show up". I nod and walk with him. I decide to look back at the man though. Where I touched him, his chest is still smoking. I am walking slowly because BEN soon picks me up and places me on his back, he piggybacks me back to the forest sprinting. Just as he creates a portal back to the mansion the sirens are headed to the house. When we get out of the portal BEN still hasn't let me go. I've been quiet since we left the house. BEN opens the door and when he walks in all eyes are on us. They are only on the couch and floor watching horror movies. Jane's on Eyeless's lap, Offenderman is on a black leather love seat in the corner, Masky and Hoody are on the other end of the
couch looking disgusted as best as I can tell and Smile is laying on the floor. Slendy is of course no where to be found.
"I'm taking (y/n) to Jeff's room and no one bothers her. Got that"?! BEN warns, his eyes glowing. They all nod. He continues on with carrying me to the room. BEN opens the door and walks to the bed, he sits down so I can get off his back. I crawl to the wall and grab a pillow, the one Jeff sleeps on. I breathe in his scent and it calms me. I look up at BEN.
"It's not your fault. You were pissed and it happened. If it didn't we'd both probably be dead". BEN speaks up.
"I should've known it was gonna happen. I felt off all day, then I felt my blood..." I trail off. "Shit! I need to clean up" I get up or at least try to. BEN gets off the bed and walks to the bathroom.
"I hate water but I'm going to help you so.." I hear water turn on and off quickly. BEN comes back out and sits on the bed by me and goes to work cleaning the blood off my face.
"BEN, you shouldn't have to do that. I can do it or Jeff can". I say as I reach for the towel.
"Jeff should do what"? a familiar voice asks, I look over to the door at the same time BEN does. It's Jeff, thank God he's home. I don't care that he's bloodied, I get off the bed and run and jump into his arms.
"Well hey babe". He nuzzles my hair. "I see your kill went well, I assume". I then look up.
"Ah, your face, hon, what happened"? He asks. I don't answer, I just bury my face into his hoodie and sob.
"BEN, what the hell happened"? Jeff asks as calmly as he can. I can tell he's having difficulty not ripping BEN apart.
"The kill.. It.. Got fucked up".. He finally manages to get out.
"What happened BEN"! Jeff is now demanding. He puts a hand on my back and starts to rub my back.
"Her power.. well part of it or them came into play tonight and it scared her. She's been like this all night".
He answers.
"We should tell Slender. Tomorrow though, she needs sleep and so do I". Jeff says.
"Agreed". BEN says. I imagine he's nodding and I hear footsteps coming our way, Jeff moves. BEN walks past and puts his hand on my head before he walks out. Jeff then shuts the door with his foot and walks us over to the bed. He lays me down then takes my bloodied top off leaving me in my bra and he takes off my shoes and soon takes off his own bloodied hoodie and shoes and joins me. He kisses me once then pulls on his sleeping mask and pulls me into
him. I don't know how long it takes, but I finally fall asleep while Jeff draws patterns with his fingers on my arm.

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